I shot Gordon Pratt

Are Drake and Seth Rogen still wandering the frozen tundra? And Mordecai Richler should be higher, if for no other reason than the fact that he convinced the world that there was such a thing as Canadian Jews.

I dared to post this horrible dad-joke on Facebook last night, and now I'm compelled to share it.

New quilt! New quilt!

"Hibernians…whatever that means."
"It means Irish people."



Question: Is Jon Daly's "Bill Cosby-Bukowski" character still funny, or is it now a crazy-prescient proto-Buress move? I want it to still be funny. You guys, I -need- it to still be funny. But I'm afraid it's not funny anymore.

Does no one else think that he'd make a pretty great Mike Hammer? Like Dick Tracy, that character's pretty due for another attempt.

"Speakeasy" with Paul F. Tompkins. It's the talk show that the world needs, and I wish someone would have the nerve to televise it.

He's the Canadian John Cougar Mellencamp. There's isn't really a Canadian Springsteen, unless you count Bry Webb from The Constantines.

When I watched this recently, I found myself mumbling "But watch yourself, counsellor" under my breath at least a half-dozen times.

We watched this the other day and … how to put this delicately? Watch the movie again, specifically the third empowerment witness Hepburn calls (the circus strongwoman), played by Hope Emerson.

Not at all. I imagine a beaten-down, shuffling turn from him. Maybe he's not capable of it. Maybe I'm just matching a desired performance with an unrealistic actor avatar. Whatever the case, thanks for wildly overreacting!

Maybe a Simon Pegg, a David Tennant, or a Martin Freeman? Too obvious?

I did not once defend catcalling. Quite the opposite, in fact. I was just trying to explore the binary way this topic is getting discussed online. But thanks!

"Again, this issue is not extremely black and white- some people like
chatting, some people don't, some people are receptive to being hit on,
many more are not."

I don't. Ever. But I can conceive of situations where it might be appropriate. Basically, I'm just an middle-old, out-of-touch guy bemoaning how what I thought was basic, platonic politeness is getting redefined as rude sexist condescension, at best.

You're right, of course. Sites that publish these thinkpiece articles and editorials are simply the water I swim in while I browse at work everyday. So everything seems a lot much more prevalent and universal than it really is.

Perhaps this is not the forum, but it's been on my mind lately as the Internet has decided that male entitlement is the Social Issue this fiscal quarter. (Give it a couple months, and editorials, clickbait and viral experiments will have decided that "Whatever Happened to Real Men?" is a pressing issue again.)

I had the exact same thought, and then I realized it was because Bridget Fonda was in Jackie Brown.