I shot Gordon Pratt

You forgot X-Pac Heat! It's the third heat!

Easily my pick, and has been for years!

Great review, Zack! And forgive me if this is commonly asked, but is there any chance that once you've finished with Flying Circus that you'll move on to the movies?

I define "Hipsterism" as self-conscious and insincere posturing intended to convey that I am a fascinating and unique individual. This, however, is bland, samey, retro-internet hive-mind. I'm not immune to it, but there is way too much of it on the internet, and a troubling increase of it here.

"Sober" is the beginning, middle and end of that supercut.

Seriously. This site used to have such a strong sense of identity, but it's increasingly becoming the BuzzCrackington Post. I want my A.V. Club back! How's that for escalation of nostalgia?

I imagine it must have something to do with the sheer impracticality and expense of getting the rights to all the characters again. Labyrithine negotiations (ie. equal screen time for WB vs Disney characters) needed to occur for the first one to even get made. And that co-operation was only possible because it was a

"Daffy Dilly" is a lost classic.

Seeing Kevin McDonald's name made me wish that CBB could get the Kids in the Hall together on the show. So far they've had a mini-Bob and David reunion, Pee Wee Herman, and even Pauly Shore. I like the idea of CBB as Comedy Yearbook. Make it a riff on SNL's Beatles offer, if you must!

Speaking as a reformed "Nice Guy" myself, this kind of behavior in the real world comes from a certain type of teenage boy so afraid of looking inexperienced that they run into the shelter of "Romance," and take cues from the movies and television which we are told women love and/or fantasize about. Most of us grow

Call it "Squareheads: Going back to Minnesohtah!"

Thanks! I had hoped it would strike a chord. Blessed are the Listmakers, and Merry Christmas to everybody!

My Top 10 Albums of the Year (or Any Other Year, Really):

If anyone involved with this has a brain, they'll pair her up with co-host Paul F. Tompkins! He was born to do this kind of thing.

Here's hoping he reconciles with Paul F. Tompkins before the last show. It would be sad if that hatchet wasn't buried before the end.

And the special where he almost got eviscerated by the escaped panther!

Okay, how about Who's The Boss? Excepting Glazer's blonde hair, you'd have Tony (Glazer), Angela (Hahn), Mona (O'Hara), Sam (Peretti) and the son (Scott).

So "Temporary Thing" would've been more appropriate?

Randomly awarded points? Someone's been raiding the Would You Rather? Pile. Not the actual pile where they get the ideas, but the pile as in a wood pile where you put the discarded Would You Rathers? Do not raid the Would You Rather pile!