I shot Gordon Pratt

The one PFT instance that stands out for me was Garry Marshall saying his alien name was unpronouncable, and then:
Scott: "Is it the N-Word?" *hostile silence* "Yes, and…?
Paul: "Yes, and it's not the one you're thinking of."

Ugh. Katie Vick. I'm queasy just remembering it.

Isn't that episode more controversial for the unforgivable promos insisting "One of your favorite characters will die!" than for the actual content?

School's Out would be a great choice! Between what happens to Lucy and Wheels, plus "You're fucking Tessa Campenelli?", the show was not afraid to give its beloved characters miserable endings. That's balls.

Ladies & Gentlemen, there is no longer any contest. WORKER AND PARASITE:

Zach Galifianakis visibly broke during Andy Daly's character (re: duffel bag full of batteries) in his episode. And I'd love to see more of that type of stuff. Within reason, of course.

IV Henry, II Furious.

And there's no way Othello doesn't get re-envisioned as "Iago."

Love Lindelof's "Lost."

Liza has a notorious past with pills. Her mother did too. And Cross' delivery seemed very much like an shout-out of that, to my ears at least. Maybe I'm over-reading it.

David Cross' futile moan when DeBrie tells Lucille 2 that it's "just pills" was the tiny little highlight of "Smashed" for me. Just enough testing of the fourth wall without utterly breaking it.

"I thought I recognized that look."
"What look?!"
"The look of a guy who's daydreaming about a disabling but non-crippling injury."

If you haven't got to Sparks Nevada's musical episode yet, watch out. There's at least a half dozen songs that you'll be singing to yourself for weeks.

Thrilling Adventure Hour listeners: what's your favourite (theme) song? Sparks Nevada is great, and Moonshine Holler is also good, but man, the ballad of Cactoid Jim gets me in some strange way each time I listen to it. Of course, if "Here's to Us" were played a little more often, that would be my runaway number 1.

I thought it was good.

TRIALS AND ERRORS. Find it. It's a fucking incredible live album, and barely scratches the potential Molina had. Songs: Ohia and Magnolia Electric Co got me through some really rough times. This news fucking guts me.

Depends whether she's part of a Conservative or a Liberal government, I guess. The Conservatives love to sabotage unwanted departments by appointing destroyers to positions of power.

I like how this season tries to redeem Oliver as an artist. Yes, his Hamlet would have been a hacky, cash-grabbing trainwreck were it not for Geoffrey, but his Macbeth really does seem artistically viable. Even though he's dead, he gets an arc and some small amount of victory! That's more than a lot of

It really is amazing how Stompin' Tom became a character of folklore before he ceased being a physical person. He truly was/is a Johnny Appleseed-type figure in Canadiana.

The out-of-focus pans over the bottles of Alexander Keith's in the credits are a textbook example of a tasteful product placement coup. It's there, and it's noticable, but it's not distracting. And for the sponsor, it's in the OPENING CREDITS! I mean, that's unheard-of, right?