I shot Gordon Pratt

Othello for the main plot, Twelfth Night for the comic lover's plot.
Or Julius Caesar and Taming of the Shrew.

The last five seconds of this episode unnerve me. Just the quickest blurry glimpse of Oliver in the door—not even a full shot—is really unsettling. It makes him seem, for the first time, like a not-entirely-friendly ghost.

In my experience, only Stoppard and this show have used Shakespeare in a way that makes him super-accessible to the laity and the enthusiasts alike. The small winks and nods soothe the scholars, and exchanges like the following make everyone else feel smart for getting it:


I'd rather a televised Paul F. Tompkins Show with Maya Rudolph as the co-host.


So even Hayden doesn't come to the East anymore? I remember when Halifax used to get these mid-sized shows. Now it's just a dwindling pool of locals every weekend.

By his own accounts, Todd Glass has that award locked up.

I do think that this last season has been great, but Tracy Morgan/Jordan has not been well-served by this endgame. Remember when he was the "Third Heat?" Liz has had her moments, as she should, and Baldwin always makes the most of his, and Jenna's been on fire. But Tracy's just kind of there. I expected him to reclaim

1. Comedy Bang Bang
2. Thrilling Adventure Hour
3. Improv4Humans
4. Pod F. Tompcast/Superego [Split due to erratic release schedules]
5. Stop Podcasting Yourself

1. Comedy Bang Bang
2. Thrilling Adventure Hour
3. Improv4Humans
4. Pod F. Tompcast/Superego [Split due to erratic release schedules]
5. Stop Podcasting Yourself

Did anyone notice that when Ann was going through her "I become my boyfriends" realization that Brendanawicz was not even mentioned? I mean there were boxes of of ex's stuff for Tom and Chris, but nothing for Mark, who dated her for a year and then actually proposed to her. How much effort does a tiny bit of

Did anyone notice that when Ann was going through her "I become my boyfriends" realization that Brendanawicz was not even mentioned? I mean there were boxes of of ex's stuff for Tom and Chris, but nothing for Mark, who dated her for a year and then actually proposed to her. How much effort does a tiny bit of

I think my favorite exchange is the one between Garak and Quark concerning root beer and the Federation. It's stuck in my head as a commentary on the whole of Trekdom.

I think my favorite exchange is the one between Garak and Quark concerning root beer and the Federation. It's stuck in my head as a commentary on the whole of Trekdom.

Exclamation marks!

Exclamation marks!

Either this or the 10 Episodes feature should tackle Degrassi someday! Teen Angst! Social commentary! Cringe-inducing Canadian production values!

Either this or the 10 Episodes feature should tackle Degrassi someday! Teen Angst! Social commentary! Cringe-inducing Canadian production values!

Agreed. But when someone asked about the Coliseum, and she said that she didn't go there I thought one of the intended jokes was that she had lived in Italy for 8 months but somehow was unaware of the existence of Rome. But then they quickly glossed over that in favour of much weirder stuff.