I shot Gordon Pratt

Agreed. But when someone asked about the Coliseum, and she said that she didn't go there I thought one of the intended jokes was that she had lived in Italy for 8 months but somehow was unaware of the existence of Rome. But then they quickly glossed over that in favour of much weirder stuff.

I know MASH is a television classic, but whenever I see it all I can think is "Catch-22 did it better."

I know MASH is a television classic, but whenever I see it all I can think is "Catch-22 did it better."

Not one mention of "Freak Dance?"

Not one mention of "Freak Dance?"

I want to live in a blissed-out world fraught with meaning. Therefore:
MOGWAI: "New Paths to Helicon 1"
EXPLOSIONS IN THE SKY: "The Birth and Death of the Day"

I want to live in a blissed-out world fraught with meaning. Therefore:
MOGWAI: "New Paths to Helicon 1"
EXPLOSIONS IN THE SKY: "The Birth and Death of the Day"

"That's my wife and my nephew! We have an open marriage."

"That's my wife and my nephew! We have an open marriage."

CBB, Superego, and Thrilling Adventure Hour, most of all. The Beyond Belief ep "Wishing Hell" and the recent Sparks Nevada "The Piano Has Been Thinking" get the most mileage for me. They're clever, funny and just generally delightful.

CBB, Superego, and Thrilling Adventure Hour, most of all. The Beyond Belief ep "Wishing Hell" and the recent Sparks Nevada "The Piano Has Been Thinking" get the most mileage for me. They're clever, funny and just generally delightful.

Is anybody else becoming increasingly worried about Graham on Stop Podcasting Yourself? Listening to his recent saga makes me feel like I'm witnessing first-hand how a person becomes homeless. His light-hearted attitude toward everything sounds more like someone at the end of their rope than genuine nonchalance. Then

I've never made the decision to do it, but the first choice for me is the laughing/dancing pilot from the cover of Catch-22. A little bit iconic, and enough to remind me that the world is mostly full of shit whenever I get overstressed. Now I think I have to do it.

The Thrilling Adventure Hour never seems to get any love in the comments, but I thoroughly enjoyed this week's entry. "Beyond Belief" and "Sparks Nevada" are almost always gold. I would love someone to take it on themselves to animate an episode, similar to how a few stand-up bits from Patton Oswalt, Kyle Kinane and

Besser should just stack the occasional episode. A team-up of Daly, Schwartz and Brett Gelman would be amazing, as would a reprise of the UCB 'reunion' episode, especially if they could get Poehler involved.

Posted this in another thread, but this bit from Hitchhiker's Guide kills me:

This passage always gets me:

This is amazing news! Thanks!

May I make a GtG request for us old school gamers?

So "Smashed" is really just a feature-length version of "Successful Alcoholics," with Winstead and Paul swapped in for Lizzy Caplan and TJ Miller?