I shot Gordon Pratt

Swedish Chef. Dane Cook.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't "9 to 5" have an animated sequence as well? Or was it a live action/animated combo? Either way, I think that movie deserves some sort of re-appraisal!

The position of Mayor is still open in Pawnee.

I'm seeing it more like Ben is actually going to run for mayor now. He has the experience, the job is still open and he has nothing else to do.

Whatever happened to the Evil Genius show that Paul F. Tompkins and Tom Scharpling were developing? Is that still in the works or is it not happening anymore?

John Hodgman in "The Areas of My Expertise":

"It controls your hormones." "Barely."
I stopped listening to Affirmation Nation a while ago (daily podcasts wear thin pretty quickly), and I was sad to realize that we'd be hearing a retread of The List of Ailments, but Bob Ducca's participation during the rest of WTF made me fall in love with the character all over

I'd solidly stand by Phil Hartman as Greatest SNL Cast Member.
Phil Hartman: "Half-mast is too high. Show some damn respect." (Wouldn't he have been great in a show like Parks And Rec?)

A little shocked that "Back off man, I'm a scientist"doesn't get more traction in these conversations. That line is a ready-made t-shirt, and Murray simply kills it with his delivery.

Thrilling Adventure Hour
Someone REALLY needs to cover the Thrilling Adventure Hour podcast, especially if it's a 'Beyond Belief' or 'Sparks Nevada' episode. The last full-length ep featuring Colonel Tick-Tock was also super-ridiculous. Seriously, short of the 'Black Lagoon' segments, TAH is one of the most

JerkassWoobie: I might be remembering it incorrectly, but I think Bushmills is the Protestant whiskey.

Hollyhox: That too.

PCP: the point is not suggestions for a new Scotch drinker, but for a new drinker, period. Scotch is a harsh initiation, and there is the palate-learning curve to to be considered. If you're a newbie to hard liquor, Irish whiskey or rye is the best bet; once you've achieved an appreciation for those, you can move on

You should check out the "Beyond Belief" segments of the Thrilling Adventure Hour podcast; it's a fantastic homage to Nick and Nora if, you know, they saw ghosts.

I spilled by drink commenting on this…
Al Swearengen from Deadwood should be the king of this list. Not only did he drink at least a shot in every other scene, but he rarely showed a hint of drunkeness. Other additions include Tony Stark, the (real life) cast of Newsradio and of course Homer Simpson.

It's not scotch, but Jamesons irish whiskey is a good starter. It's smooth and won't disgust a newbie too much. As for actual scotches, I prefer a good Talisker 18 year. Others will have better suggestions, no doubt, but the key is this: 1 ice cube at most.

Thrilling Adventure Hour!
This new podcast needs to get more popular. Sure, it's only the audio from a live show, but it's the best that those of us outside of LA can hope for, and the radio drama format is perfectly suited for podcasting. If only PFT would post full versions of the Largo/Paul F Tompkins Show! One

Stop Podcasting Yourself is almost always a charming and funny podcast, even if the guests are largely unknowns. It's a hang-out podcast to be sure, and by attempting to go for every possible joke, Graham sometimes lapses into hackery, but Dave usually reigns that in before it gets out of hand.
For anyone interested, I

Hey Steve, love the series
But a quick question: I realize most of the "you should've covered this band" comments focus on acts such as Weezer, but I was wondering if you had any thoughts on Tool and Rage Against the Machine, especially in light of the 'heavyness' theme of the next topic. Should we expect at least a

Mentioned this in an earlier post, but
Clutch fucking kills in a live setting.