I shot Gordon Pratt

Inside where nothing shows, I am the essence of a man spinning double-headed coins, and betting against himself in private atonement for an unremembered past.

I've been here before, and I know which way the wind is blowing.


For me the best example of Bob yelling is in "What to Think.":

Troy's plumbing skills
Was anybody else expecting Troy's plot to dovetail into the test plot by having the sprinklers go off suddenly during the exam? I was surprised that didn't happen.

Frank and Desmond
To address the Frank question first, since he hasn't had a centric episode (and as one of the Freighter Folk, there's certainly been enough time for one), I'm afraid that Lapidus, like Ilana, is simply a plot device in the form of a character. He's a pilot, and a major part of the plot now is

The site also requires a Bob Odenkirk "God damn it!"

It's been mentioned in other threads, but Catch-22 showed me that books could be funny and serious at the same time. And as I was caught in the middle of my melodramatic teen years, it also taught me that not taking yourself seriously can be the best self-preservation strategy of all.

I was impressed
with how elegantly this episode wove in so many callbacks, thematic references, and cameos and yet none of it felt forced. Keamy, Mikhail, Charlotte, etc. felt shoehorned into their respective episodes as an excuse to see the actors again, not the characters. But in this one? It made perfect sense.

Question for L.A. readers
Is there any significance to the location of Des and Penny's coffee date? And do you think Sawyer and Juliet will be at the next table over?

Yeah, he was crossed out in the cave, but who know's what's what in the Alt? I thought it was significant that Des got his idea to visit everybody after touching Penny's hand. I wouldn't be surprised if he goes out on his own Jacobish touch-quest.

Good call about the hospital
I found myself thinking tonight that Jack's hospital is where all of the significant Alt-Losties are going to be united. Sun is shot and Jin's going with her. Locke has an open invitation to show up. Sayid's brother's there, and Claire may still be there. Maybe a resisting-arrest

As usual, most of the meorable moments belong to Andy. Chris Pratt is just killing it, week in, week out.

Noel, have you considered 'theme packs' of two episodes from different series? Kind of a before and after? By that I mean that one column could theoretically discuss a Luther Mahoney Homicide episode, and the next column could look at any number of entries from The Wire.

So which episode of Homicide are we eventually going to get to?
Three Men and Adena?
The Subway?
Bop Gun?
The Hat?

Say a prayer for the Rollerboy.
Haim's catalogue was pretty atrocious, but I'll be damned if Prayer of the Rollerboys doesn't deserve to be canonized in the Best Bad Movies list. That movie is hilarious.

Re: the whole "You!" thing: Now -there's- a Youtube clip montage just waiting to happen.

So is he still hanging out in the cave, or was he a just a little behind NotLocke? I have this image of the last scene lasting 5 seconds longer: Sawyer pops his head in the tent, "Claire? Chewie?" LOST.


I found it most interesting that despite all pronouncements of specialness there was no Walt (Lloyd is his last name, apparently) written on the ceiling. Also, Hume was conspicuously absent.