I shot Gordon Pratt

The Ring HQ
Was anyone else expecting Wyld Stallyns to show up? It looked that bad.

Nah, they went with "ducks are better" so they could go into the Donald Duck-no pants thing. Of course, Bugs Bunny wears no pants, but he doesn't wear anything else, either. Kind of like the Naked Man with those hideous ears.

Garfield in Paradise?

Too many closeups
Was it just me, or did a lot of already weak sketches (especially The View and the Pool Boy) absolutely kill any comic momentum by resorting to a number of individual closeups rather than a wide shot where you could see the charcters react or interact? I'm sure this practice has been around for a

Robin Wiegert played Juliet's cancer-stricken sister, too.

My thoughts exactly. Desmond is probably an entirely different person without Widmore's island mania having effected his life so drastically.

Don't know about where he went, but Desmond's life is probably the one most changed by the reset. The bomb goes off, and a new timeline where the island is submerged is created. Therefore, there's no more island for Widmore to go all Ahab about, which will affect Des's life in countless ways. He may not be with

When I saw the handprints on the back of her knees, my mind involuntarily went to some sublime mental images.

Another great line from the Dean
"I am not a racist! When I was six years old, my best friend was a black man."

Speaking of Comedy Death-Ray, the most recent podcast is a year-end best of compilation, and PFT spends most of the time doing his Ice-T impression. It's hilarious. It's actually funnier than the 'best' moments that they're counting down.

Having spent a good portion of my life in Niagara Falls, Ontario I think it's fair to say that tourists only reach maximum obnoxiousness when tourism is the city/region's primary form of revenue. I imagine it's the same (only worse) in Las Vegas, New Orleans, and around the Grand Canyon. When a town becomes more of

vs Amazon Succubi vs Shaolin Mummies vs

vs Werewolf Cowboys vs Wizard Robots vs

I have to give you African warlords, ZMF. That would kick ass.

Dwarves, yes, and the Rohirrim are pretty much exactly Vikings on horses. Klingons are also essentially Space Vikings, just like the Ferengi are horribly stereotypical Space Jews.

By all rights, Vikings really should be next
but I'd be happy with a new wave of Samurai, Ninjas, or medieval Knights.

I second Never Too Young to Die, but I think the real best worst movie is the Corey Haim classic PRAYER OF THE ROLLERBOYS.

All this talk of Zodiac and no one mentions the lunch room interview? Man, that was creepy and bizarre as fuck.

Uma vs Daryl from Kill Bill pt 2
The interview scene/basement scene from Zodiac
The David Caruso/chest waxing scene from 40 Year Old Virgin
The last 30 minutes of Hot Fuzz, esp the supermarket.