I shot Gordon Pratt

Come to think of it, Kermit the Frog's got some serious chops.

Ok, so new Inventory: Amazing Comedy Straight Men
I offer Dave Foley for consideration.

Some others…
Ich bin Ein Auslander - Pop Will Eat Itself
Feliz Navidad / Mele Kalikimaka
10001110101 - Clutch (not real, but still)
Sade, dis-moi - Enigma

So no love from anyone for Mogwai, Explosions in the Sky or GYBE?
Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven, Government Commissions, Mr. Beast, Rock Action, All of a Sudden I Miss Everyone, and Those Who Tell The Truth … all kicked sublime ass.

Alright you primitive screwheads, listen up! You see this? This … is my BOOMSTICK!

I was looking for Clutch
but I guess somehow Blast Tyrant, From Beale St. to Oblivion, and Strange Cousins from the West don't kick ass. That seems wrong to me.

Shake, Rattle and Roll
Can we not get more respect for Clue around here? It and The 'Burbs are the very definition of this kind of movie. Maybe even the Hanks/Ackroyd Dragnet.

I'm not sure if it counts as a slasher
but I thought The Descent of one of the scariest movies I've seen in a long, long time.

What the fuck am I supposed to do with all these Dana Carveys?

"James Woods!"

I'm calling it now.
Farrell's brother has a serious episode or otherwise gets in an accident, and because he's got Don's card on him, the authorities try to get in touch with him. Betty will take the call, and Don will be busted for a second time, but only this time the box o'secrets is going to make things far worse.

Also, "I've gathered you all here for a reason: the murderer is in this room!" On second thought, maybe I'm just in love with the classic murder mystery genre.

Let's split up and investigate!
I love it. Almost always.

Johnny's arc
Johnny's development from dimwitted lackey to competent problem solver is one of my favourite parts of the end of season 3. I've always loved the character and Sean Bridgers does such a great of job of portraying him, especially in the season finale. That said, I find his sudden transformation into Wu's

This movie is laughably bad.
In addition to all the numerology bs in this movie, I couldn't get over one major structural problem. The book fascinates Carrey, it consumes him and it's all he can think about. The book also appears to be about 200 pages, max. Yet for all his obsession, it still takes him (if I

Two more obvious misses
Whither Nick Cave (People Just Ain't No Good) and Cat Power (The Colors and the Kids)?

Some of my Most Hated:
- Insufferable Fuck-up/Smartass Makes Good
- Obstacle That Could Be Resolved In 2 Seconds If The Characters Only Talked To Each Other. (A plague in romantic comedies)
- WASP Parents, Hippie Parents
- Platonic Friendship = Love Interest
- The Effeminate Villain
- The Candle-Laden Love Scene
- We're

For a long time I've had this idea of closing out the night with Mogwai's 'New Paths to Helicon 1.' I'm sure it wouldn't go over a fraction as well as how beautiful it would be in my mind, but I'm still holding on to the idea.

Tahiti Goddamn Treat
I don't know if it's still available in other regions, but I for one miss Tahiti Treat up here in Canada. Anyone got a line on if they still make it, and where I can get me some?

Record Body Count
I still remember seeing the video for the Rheostatics' "Record Body Count" on Muchmusic and knowing that I was going to be a fan. When Whale Music came out, "Shaved Head" only sealed the deal. Despite some subpar later albums, I will always love the Rheos.