
This was another great review, but since it wasn't mentioned in it and I haven't seen it in the comments (and I could be totally off base about this) but after watching the episode one of the scenes that stuck with me was, while Amy was delirious, she saw the Dalek as actual people, which I just thought was her

Yeah, but writing can still be changed to a point. They have just started storyboarding and drawing it up, and you have to think that they've known about this for a while before we did, so I'm sure that they could lengthen it or change it quite a bit if need be.

Yeah, but writing can still be changed to a point. They have just started storyboarding and drawing it up, and you have to think that they've known about this for a while before we did, so I'm sure that they could lengthen it or change it quite a bit if need be.

@avclub-951d3e731b6b2ac1e93cbba6e1b68e80:disqus : I will highly enjoy doing that as well, Reckoner. This show is going to grow up with me even more than it already has.

@avclub-951d3e731b6b2ac1e93cbba6e1b68e80:disqus : I will highly enjoy doing that as well, Reckoner. This show is going to grow up with me even more than it already has.

Yeah, I know, but at least now they have plenty of time for more episodes so that they character development can continue a lot better, right?

Yeah, I know, but at least now they have plenty of time for more episodes so that they character development can continue a lot better, right?

Hooray! :D

Hooray! :D

I'm assuming so since it says the extra 26 episodes will be put into a book 3 and 4, so yes. I guess it won't be as much of a standalone.

I'm assuming so since it says the extra 26 episodes will be put into a book 3 and 4, so yes. I guess it won't be as much of a standalone.

Hooray! Personally, I don't see why the all didn't like the dough in that episode. I love uncooked dough! It just makes me so happy that they'll have more of an opportunity for character development and maybe even some filler episodes!

Hooray! Personally, I don't see why the all didn't like the dough in that episode. I love uncooked dough! It just makes me so happy that they'll have more of an opportunity for character development and maybe even some filler episodes!

Oh my God, you guys, I think pretty much everyone here is going to be happy (for those that will see this, anyways) Nick ordered 26 more episodes for Korra!
Say hooray for more character development and for more Korra!

Oh my God, you guys, I think pretty much everyone here is going to be happy (for those that will see this, anyways) Nick ordered 26 more episodes for Korra!
Say hooray for more character development and for more Korra!

@avclub-e14267dedd4e1d0cc0093bc13643fd59:disqus , I don't think that it was necessarily her ever thinking too much about not being the Avatar, but the last eleven episodes we've seen her struggling with trying to be the Avatar. She places a lot of responsibility on herself to help people and be the person that

@avclub-e14267dedd4e1d0cc0093bc13643fd59:disqus , I don't think that it was necessarily her ever thinking too much about not being the Avatar, but the last eleven episodes we've seen her struggling with trying to be the Avatar. She places a lot of responsibility on herself to help people and be the person that

And I think it was an important parallel in the show that, right after Tarrlok chooses the path of suicide, we immediately switch to Korra dealing with the almost exact same problem: die, and end what you think is a hopeless situation that just leads to more problems and death, or choose the option to live and try