
I'm glad you mentioned Lloyd Banks. It reminds me of the time the student government of my sub-2,000 enrollment private liberal arts college was convinced to get Lloyd Banks to appear at our school in show and concert. He took the stage 45 minutes late after coming out of a van that was parked next to the stage in

Because "The Michael Showalter Showalter" just wasn't paying the rent anymore.

I'm so glad
That someone at the AV Club has written something about this movie. I went over to my friend's house (who has two little boys) and he was watching this movie. I was extremely confused and skeptical, but he instructed me to get a beer, sit down and just watch. What followed was a uniquely enjoyable

I really wish
They filmed the meeting in which they decided the best of the decade in its entirety and can put it up on the site fast-forwarded. Or just give some choice audio of battles that may have outed Keith Phipps' and Nabin's long-drawn out love affair.

Please no.
This jackass doesn't need more exposure. If he wasn't such a selfish prick he wouldn't have had to cut off his own decaying limb because, like most climbers who are worth anything, he would have had a PARTNER to do it for him. I hate people who exploit the survival of horrible circumstances that they

Chris Brown
Will rock the Mucinex germs right the fuck outta yo' system.

Another thing, Fah Fah Fah, many people on this comment board here at the AVC assume that THIS is the hole somewhere to go and be jaded etc. It gets old, yes, but you have to just take it for what it is: other people's opinions about music.

No IMDb page
So I believe this to be a hoax.

No IMDb page
So I believe this to be a hoax.

I'm with you Jimmers, The Band played American music better than anyone else. And Canada is in North America, so they could still be considered an "American" band, eh?

Does anybody else find it kind of creepy (and extremely hot) that Lily was borderline dyking-out for her stripper doppelganger?

I always post late, but…
My favorite part of the episode is the sight-gag when Michael seamlessly gets out of the cheese cart and stands up after Jim and David's meeting is over. The icing on the cake was when Jim looks back at the cheese cart that was in the conference room and is now in the main office.

Leon Black:
You gotta get in that ass Larry…

"Kippers For Breakfast Aunt Helga?"
"Is it St. Swithin's Day already?"
"Tiiisss." Replies Aunt Helga

I propose death by gingivitis.

Just discovered this whole "Reading" thing…
…And I've never read any of Ishiguro's books. Would this be a good place to start? Is there another book of his I should start with? Is this in any way similar to Denis Johnson's "Jesus' Son," only with less devastated characters? Thanks people!

This is one of the only reasons I hate living in the Adirondacks. No good art cinemas anywhere. The most interesting movies I can see right now are Halloween II and The Final Destination.

looks like you're not so perfect, tommy.

Great Album…
… however, it's a tad bit schizophrenic. There are songs that sound like Grateful Dead, one song that sounds like Phish, and then a bunch that are more traditional bluegrass, folk-rock. Hard to quantify for sure, but the eclecticism on the album is refreshing, and doesn't stray too far from their