
never remembered how to spell her last name. Thanks.

Where's the love:
To Brenda Fosse? The Madonna of Soweto has some kicking Afro-pop beats and a hell of a voice.

I'm not your Pantoliano, Joey!

It was the Radio City concert I was referring to (I don't think there were any others) and Byrne sang on2 of their songs. I thought they were good, but you're right Byrne was also a highlight, as was Bon Iver and David Sitek.

The DP
Was pretty good at the "Dark Was the Night" concert. And by pretty good, i mean they were a highlight in a great show.

Indeed, the Flaming Lips (specifically "It's Summertime" off of "Yoshimi") brings me back to summer every time. I think I overdosed on that album a few summers back, but it still makes me smile and think of summer.

The New Conan
Phenominal. I had my reservations, but after watching every episode this week, he has done excellently. The "NBC Exec Stroking" bit that was spurred by Andy Richter in the 3rd episode had me laughing like the only the old Conan could.

I miss NY Conesy-Wonesy
I hope he finds some material that doesn't involve Los Angeles or his move to California, otherwise I will miss NY Conan even more than I already do.

Ed Helms comes off as very "Andy Bernardish" in this interview. I don't buy that "cynical person" line one bit because he had nothing but positive things to say about everyone, unless you know, that's all part of the act.

I agree Kind Sir might have had the worst run-on sentence I've read on this forum.

And all people…
"At the RED HOUSE, where black people and white people buy furniture!"
~And expanic people too…

Spies Like Us…
"Doctor, Doctor, Doctor, Doctor…"

Grandpa emerges from a port-o-john:

The Tick line I keep using…
"Money doesn't put fish on the table, FISH puts fish on the table!"

Ocean's 12 angry men and a baby-faced fuck doll?

Anyone else think
That the McCafe commercial was more than a tad racist? I mean you have a black woman moping through her day with all of these smiling white people and their McCafe sugar-explosion "coffee beverages." Not only did they make the black woman stand on the bus, the white people even felt sorry for her

Chilling moment from Tree of Smoke for me: When Jimmy Storm forays into the backwoods to find where the Colonel had disappeared to, only to find Pitchfork. The sacrifice scene moves me for some reason I can't understand, but his writing cuts to the bone in that book. Haunting.

I was reading…
Devil in a blue Dress by Walter Mosely last year, and about 50 pages in, I was like "This is a serious version of the Big Lebowski with black people in it!" Apparently Chandler did it first.

Tree of Smoke was easily the best book I've read to come out in the past decade. Sure it's daunting, sprawling, and takes itself too seriously at times, but the book is so engrossing in its world and utterly crushing in its tales it's hard not to become absorbed.

I will never be able to tolerate any Pearl Jam song ever, and I hold them personally responsible for any such shitty "rock" bands that came after them. I would go so far as to say that if there were any pop culture fixture that I wish had never existed in the first place, it would be Pearl Jam.