
Command me Lord!
"Where is that accent from?"
"The upper-West Side?"

I don't care
How many hipster points I lose for saying this, but in what world is "The Shawshank Redemption" not essential? I know it's been brought up a few times in the comments, but seriously?

I must say, I listened to the Patton Oswalt take earlier today and he puts the whole debacle into a new context which makes sense. It's not that Jay is the bad guy, it's that he doesn't give a shit, and seems to want it for the sake of wanting it. Just like his car obsession: he just wants to have the largest

Gee between this and Jersey Shore XXX…
The AV Club is going through some serious pre-pubescent Seasonal Affective Disorder-induced tits-jonesing. And I like it!

Avatar 2: Electric Blue-Ga-Loo

Few things here:
1. Wasn't "Valentine's Day" a shitty Denise Richard vehicle about serial murders and NOT showing us her boobs again?

A box with one disk in it.

Immaculate Misconception: Thank you for bringing me back to High School and reading my mind when I read Howie's book all in one link. Pitch-Perfect.

I spent the entire fall of 2007 watching Deadwood while waiting for substitute teaching work. It was a good distraction from the fact that I had just moved to a new city in upstate NY and was quickly running out of money. The characters in that short-lived show were deep, complex, and engrossing, and the dialogue

Hearing Cameron Talk
About this movie with such enthusiasm and gusto for the AMAZING power of 3-D makes me think that the "feelies" of "Brave New World" aren't far behind. When will people learn distractions from a lack of plot are just that- distractions. And it works on the proles, but I'll be damned if it becomes

Movie Theaters
I have only seen 1 of these movies, and it was "Inglorious Basterds." (and I agree with Keith Phipps: initially passed it off, but somehow keep thinking about this movie.)

The jiggling is still replaying in my mind and I love it

My buddy had a group called "Occasional Groupie." I thought it was clever.

Thanks Paul Caine
For including "Fanfarlo." I don't know why I'm so stuck on this, but I am shocked that it didn't get reviewed on this sight. I think I can move on now thanks to you. Let the healing process begin.

I couldn't agree more: The Very Best was easily one of my favorites from the year. I think it might be a little too "niche" in that "world music" doesn't necessarily agree with many writers on this site.

Holy shit that was a fast 20 years. Sorry for the date faux pas.

Not to be the 1-man Denis Johnson fan club…
…But how about "Jesus' Son?" It's short and gritty, and I can see how it wouldn't be someone's style, but it is damn well written. Anyway, just thought I'd promote a favorite author of mine here as well as in the books section. Continue ignoring me now.

Man no love
for Denis Johnson's "Tree of Smoke." I don't even think it was reviewed on this sight (though it might have been before they did book reviews) but is definitely one of the best books from this decades (and I've read quite a few on this list.) I guess there is no accounting for taste, though AVC and i

Hand-Banana" clearly wins ATF. I think that they put in "Dummer Dolls" because it came towards the beginning of the show, and helped define it, while "Hand-Banana" came towards the end of greatness, even though it is, pound for pound the funniest episode.

Best post:
"Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fucked you."