
David Lynch
What did he do? As far as I'm concerned "Blue Velvet," "Twin Peaks," and "Mullholland Drive" are enough for a lifetime pass.

Working in Special Ed. has mostly immunized me to "Aspergers" and the Woodcock Johnson (or as I like to call it the triple-dick test.) As if these kids don't have enough problems being special ed, they also get classifications and tests that are insulting.

I will absolutely second the "Hurt Video" and "Brokeback Mountain." Although, with Brokeback, I didn't get really teary until the second time I viewed it. I think I watched it the first time with a sort of anthropological detachment, as if I was curious about the story and as a result focused on the plot. The

No Astral Weeks? Great start-to-finish album. And yes, I would say Darkside is better start-to-finish than the Wall.

Picaresque was their best full album. The crane wife works best as an EP with the three crane wife songs and sons & daughters, other than that its weak sauce. Her majesty I never got into and Castaways has great singles, but doesn't work as an album.

They should provide the audio tapes for these interviews, because personally I think it would be pretty awesome to listen to the voices of the interviewees.

do you consider…
…That last sentence to be a spoiler?

I'm gonna catch shit for this, but the Kings of Leon are a pretty honest-to-goodness rock group. Maybe not the best writing in the world, but definitely worth listening to every now and again.

Sounds like…
…Yeasayer. Only, not as good.

Along with Rhys, I know all too well the emotional and psychological damage that can be done by being called a "gingerballs." I feel your pain.

Along with Rhys, I know all too well the emotional and psychological damage that can be done by being called a "gingerballs." I feel your pain.

This column was better…
…When it was called "15 pop songs owned by movie scenes." I mean really, that has got to be one of my all-time favorite inventories, all should check it out.

Terrence Howard?
As Nick Fury?

I must say thought, Blagojevichian is quite a mouthful…

Oh snowmen have peepers, peepers to watch…watch for your moment of weakness then BAM! and you're down

I know…
…That much like Virginia is for Lovers, the AV comments board is for hater, but you got to hold up a minute and give Kanye a little credit. He's taking a risk here, the closest he gets to rapping is on "hearless," and that's kind of a big deal for a hip-hop artist. It's not the most amazing album of all

Tree of Smoke
By Denis Johnson…

Hey, big fan of what limited listening of the Doobie Brothers I have had. I'd be interested in seeing that handmade compilation to get a little deeper. They have interested me, but I never was so bold as to diverte any funds or hard drive space their way, so I only have a vague idea of what they do.

I mean, who ever saw the Simpsons episode where they introduce "Wadded Beef" and said "HEY!! That's a GREAT Idea!"??

I loved the "Donnie Darko" Frank voice on the Dumb it Down refrain. Anybody else kinda freaked by its similar sound to the aforementioned movie?