
Sam's Town
I thought was a good album; a necessary step in the progression of this band in order to not become another "coldplay" and re-hash the same sounds for 3 straight records. It is also a very good, true "Album" and not a collection of singles like "Hot Fuss" was.

Easy Rawlins…
I know they made "Devil in a Blue Dress" a movie, and it wasn't bad, but they should make Easy Rawlins a recurring role in movies a la James Bond.

No Love
I would say C&C reached their peak with "In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth III." Their work cannot be judged by listening to one song, or a few random selections and then immediately passing judgment. I think that in order to appreciate the true musicality and multi-faceted genius of this band you need to

did this album…
…really come out on Sept. 11 2001? If so, maybe that's why I've never heard of it before.

personal Faves
I would like to commend the A.V. club at a job well done, and also at a brilliant idea. Artists with such a diverse and far-reaching discography as Neil Young, or the Boss are certainly hard to start listening to, for one doesn't know where to begin. I would like to say thanks, because I agree this