Gentle Herpes

Tell a funny joke just to get some play
Then you try to make a move and she says no way

Only if they rhyme.

Dated, fated, you could say it's the best

She got down, down on the ground
Bouncin around like a pound of ground round

Girls in the city tryin to look pretty
Boys tell jokes so they can sound witty

Two of the best, like my girlfriend's chest

Intruder alert. Intruder alert. Get the humanoid. Get the intruder.

Sorry. My only guess is Hell.

She was in a book about it!

How much you got?

She's a good example of "if you work extremely hard, you can be a huge success regardless of your level of talent."

I've written a tiny bit of pornography in the past. I don't think I really understood what kind of plot they were looking for between "romantic interludes." Got paid a little cash, though, which was nice.

That Friends from College show sucks hard.

That's a typo.

Next they came for the guys replacing all the punching sounds in Fight Club with farts…

"points at eyes with two fingers, points two fingers at the jury foreman"

The ACLU is all about the Sacajaweas.

Good work.

It's only hoarding if it starts to stack high enough to fall on you and kill you.

At least three.