Butter Swan

Yeah, I think people who saw the movie when it was released look at it now and it still looks "real" to them. I saw the movie for the first time a couple years ago (already in my mid thirties), and while I appreciated the practical effects as really good work for their time, they did not look real to me at all.

A friend of mine has overwintered at Pole and he claims they watch this movie every year after the last planes leave. That must be fun!

She knows what she did.

Yeah, dumb revelation and they were so terribly written! I remember thinking, "Oh this story would be so crappy and cliched if they made the best friend/mentor the bad guy" and then of course THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED. Oh, and the lady witnessed some kind of orgy cult which messed her up for life, which is just

Une Vache Andalou?

My mom actually enjoyed the book this is based on. I keep wanting to mention this film buuuuuuut… yeah well you can see why I would hesitate.

I was just watching the video again and the white flowers around the stage… It's like a funeral.

Here to agree with "Where did you sleep last night"! It's already a pretty sinister/creepy song, but Kurt and the guys and THAT CELLO make into an unrelenting dirge that sucks joy and hope out of the world for almost 6 minutes. I love to crank it up and let it overwhelm me.

I liked Drood. It was weird and engrossing. I had the hardbound version and it was the thickest book I've ever carried around (I brought it as vacation reading on a trip). It got a lot of curiosity from other people and is a book that is singularly hard to explain…

Thanks for this perfect summary of why I hate that movie so much.

I think that's a pretty important plot point, that would be a big miss if they cut that. Also, was it just girls? Thought there was a young boy at one point…

I think you might be a little biased there, Thin White Duke.

The weirder the AVC article, the weirder/awesomer the stories from commenters! How do I favorite this?

I read the linked article over lunch and loved it for the sheer nerdiness of it. Dang, I need a hobby. Reading the AV Club doesn't count.

When the baby cries on the bed with its mom passed out… I wanted to steal the baby, too. :(

So you're an Osteichthyes supremacist. Stop the hate!

How was the bottom Minnesotan? Was it very pale? Was it tones from cross country skiing? Was it cold from days of ice fishing? I need to know!

The Martian was refreshing in this respect - the hero had no sentimental BS, no pregnant wife at home, no mother dying of cancer or anything like that, no estranged father he always wanted to make up with but couldn't. Just a guy trying to survive on Mars.

Either that article made no sense or I was so blinded with rage that someone called Kermit the FROG a lizard that I could not read. Or both.

If Ghost is with him, maybe he can lead Jon to Sansa.