Butter Swan

My guess is golden eagle. Gorgeous birds.

I noticed the foal too and had the same thought. Just being an ambush predator pretty much puts you on a young stallion's Trample on Sight list.

Perfect gator description. Crocodilians and sharks - they both got a good thing going. Simple, effective design, no real changes necessary.

Also, the horses had a foal in their little herd. Could make them more aggressive toward notorious ambush predators.

I will sign your pea-tition. Look, I love peas and they are convenient, but just because you can doesn't mean you SHOULD.

Alfredo sauce with bacon?! My head just exploded with rage!! It reminds me of the time I was at an "Italian" restaurant and ordered prosciutto and it was definitely regular ham. I live in a densely Italian-American area where are people are very proud of that heritage but 90% of them have no idea what actual Italian

That blew my mind… god, does this mean I have to THANK Michael Bay for something? UGGHH.

Agreed!! Some people really hate ruby rod, but I love every campy, spastic, screechy moment.

Same! I've seen a paltry number of these movies, but the articles are a terrific read that really make me want to see the films! I like the attention to HK cinema as well. The comments section is always a blast, too. I'm keeping a list of the movies I want to see after reading this feature - it's getting long!

Thank you!! All anyone seems to talk about from that movie is Ralph Fiennes, but Kip the Sapper is so so hot. It's a nice moment when we get a little "Female Gaze" watching him wash his hair outside. I still notice Naveen Andrews when I see him in movies!

Yeah, the whole chase blew my mind! Watching Bond figure out his own way around/through every obstacle made such a exciting chase!

I was terrified of Malkovich's character, too. I was pretty young when I watched it and remember thinking "Do the authorities know that there are PLASTIC GUNS?" Still a scary idea.

That's the dumbest part of the whole plot - who would design a pod that has NO "Go Back To Sleep" option in case of emergency?!

I love this idea, so much less bland than the actual plot!

What?! Wednesday is perfectly cast as is. Who in their right mind would have offered that part to Cage? He's not even old enough and it's just… so wrong! My head's exploding thinking about it.

“bigger he was than always; painfully, wonderfully big”

Posted 27 minutes ago and no one has argued with you. And it's possible no one will… Oh, now 28 minutes ago!

Oh man, the 3:45am piss is my weak point too! I can control my mind pretty well during the day, but ANYTHING could be in that long dark hallway in the dead of night. Why is the dang bathroom so far away?!

Me, that's who.

Yeah, me too! That's one of my fav movies, and I hate horror movies. I think I get now why it technically falls into that category, but my internal logic still can't quite allow it (I hate horror movies, and I love that movie, ergo it cannot be a horror movie.) To me, it'll always be a top tier sci-fi movie.