Butter Swan

Word, Waffle. Some people actually have a disease and it sucks and makes their lives difficult. The majority of people just like fad diets.

The COMMITMENT Isabella Rossalini has for that line… Damn she's good.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who disliked those reviews. I usually like to Netflix a show and read along with the AVC reviews, but I stopped reading those reviews because they were so useless. It was like a joke report with no analysis. They always seemed to wrap up with a vague wish/expectation that the show should

I get Muffin Top stuck in my head all the time! And it's not the kind of thing you can sing out loud at work.

I love the the tuba rendition of Muffin Top. Has anyone else noticed it? Once I noticed it, I always listen for it. I think they've only used it in one episode, which is a damn shame. It actually sounds like of ominous.

Dang it, maybe I don't have my DVR quite figured out yet, but I can't find any Penny Dreadful reruns to record! Did you torrent it?

It's sadly true. The Long Island serial killer preys on "Craigslist Call Girls." The first body was found by accident and then they found like a dozen more once they started looking. Many of the women had been missing for years. They have no strong suspects and stupid profiling "conclusions" like "person has access to

Really good episode, lots of fascinating stuff. Edwards is very good at walking the line with his words at the party - pushing far enough to make people uncomfortable but not far enough for them to get outright mad. What a burden on him. No word on his underground clinic this week. Maybe he closed it after losing the

Can you imagine how SORE her shoulder and neck must be?? Wow, I hope it's worth it! That's one sure fire way to wind up with frozen shoulder. Yikes.

Totally agreed. She seems to take everything in without reacting. Her reaction to being chastised in the first episode might be her most emotional to date. And I think it's the acting, not the actress. I recall some kind of talking head with her and she was smiley and talkative.

I didn't see the Stardust movies, but I was always a little disappointed by the book. I thought the "and then they had adventures that I'm not going to bother to write about" was a little lazy on Gaiman's part (and I'm a big fan). Was the movie better?

When we were young, my sister and I had a funny insult war going, and "You are Ace Ventura coming out of a rhino's butt!" was ultimately the winner. (Yeah, we thought it was the butt, but that's how young we were.) We have been giggling about it for the last 20 years.

I love that. Every time Liz tries to do something because of her Liberal principles, she ends up going against it or looking really bad. (For example, the episode where she at first refuses the flu shot, or the one with Carrie Fisher.) I find that hilarious.

How about just bored at work? Does that count? Or are these the same things?

That brings up a very contentious point. If your babies are already full of rabies, is it STILL irresponsible to take your own life? Someone should ask Rollins this.

But she's NOT the same Jenna Maroney who killed all those horses!

How did they get Ghost Face on the show so early? Does anyone know?

I did manage to quit the show, but love to read all the AVC review and comments slagging on it. Way more entertaining than the show!

Yeah, this whole show is great about showing the different ways in which the past was a sucky place. You (or your family) agreed to surgery knowing you would probably die on the table. Pregnancy would be downright terrifying the whole way, right on through delivery. Even Cornelia's privileged life isn't so fun - it

Yeah, I'm going to give Bertie a pass on that one. It struck me as unprofessional to have that conversation in front of patients, but that could be my modern-day sensibilities creeping up. Be careful at the clubs, Bertie!