Butter Swan

I hope that's the case. It seemed a bit unprofessional to have that conversation in front of patients, but that could be my modern-day sensibilities. Doctors of that time were more likely to speak as if the patient wasn't even there (as this show sometimes shows).

Yay, another Saturday morning talking about the Knick! Thanks for getting these up so quickly, Brandon. Good review, really picked up some fine points. Personally, I don't mind episodes that launch a bunch of ships and we only get a glimpse of them.

I like Bertie, too, but it seemed to me he came over to Edwards in order to embarrass him in front of his white female patients. "Hey I heard you live in a seedy part of town! Is that super fun?" Bertie is the nicest to the nurses, and mostly that seems without ulterior motives, but the jury is still out on that one…

Wow, good catch. I was not watching close enough.

Yes! Cranky doctor! He's the best,

I hated Cally, too. At first I was ok with her and I appreciated that not every character has to be awesome (more realistic) but once she actually gets with Chief she is unbearable.

I'm clinging to the hope of "hipsters watching it ironically?" but that doesn't really make it any better, now does it?

New Hampshire has it more than Vermont does, in my experience.

He already collapsed the toe veins… where DO you go after that? The dorsal vein of the penis is bigger than that vein under the tongue. But, yeah, YIKES.

Medical stuff!!

Wait, is there a parasite that can create a cloaca-like situation in humans? Now I want to know. I know some birth defects lead to that, and some diseases can create fistulas, but parasites I was not aware of.

But don't they also just make up the pop star's blood type to indicate the kind of character they want that idol to be? Like, oh he's the "bad boy" so he's got to be Type O (or whatever).

Astrological signs are just as stupid, but at least there are 12 of them. There are only 4 blood types, so only 4 types of people out there, I guess. Blood type always seemed like an odd thing to latch onto in terms of binning people by personality type.

I love season 4 Ryan, it's just the perfect evolution of the character. i will definitely agree that he was never as good again.

Karen probably could have kept Chris Traeger's interest, though. Unlike poor sweet beautiful tropical fish, Anne.

Agreed on the Deposition. Michael may not be able to admit to himself that things are falling apart with Jan (and Jan is falling apart) but his instincts won't let him lie about his workplace during the deposition, especially when David Wallace calls him a nice guy.

In the last few years, wasn't there a nurse found to have killed dozens of elderly patients, or something along those lines? That's the only recent female serial killer with big numbers I can think of. There does certainly appear to be a precedent though. I didn't know about any of those in the list.

Montypark! Never follow a hippie to a second location!

AVC is the only comments section I read on purpose, rather than "Whoops, scrolled too far, SHUT IT DOWN."

My nephews would watch the hell out of Monkey and Robot. Guaranteed home run.