Butter Swan

Ok, unpopular opinion time. I just finished the Great Gatsby. How I got through high school and college without having this assigned is odd, I know. And I live under a rock, apparently, because I've never seen a movie adaptation, either. (It was actually the inmates in "The Wire" reading Gatsby that really made me

I heard a Linklater interview yesterday and he was saying that "Bernie" helped get the real Bernie's prison sentence shortened and Bernie is now living in Linklater's garage apartment. Linklater seemed like a really cool guy.

I'm totally on Pam's side on the microwave note, too! (Frankly, I was surprised Oscar ridiculed the note because it seems like a thing he might do!) But alas, I've left notes like that before and seen it escalate, so I know better now. Poor Pam, it was a good try.

Nah, Pam was never bitchy, but I do appreciate they never made her TOO perfect. The Finer Things Club is kind of annoying, and her passive aggressive microwave notes were not a good idea. I love the growth of her character arc, and these little things make her seem like a much more realistic person.

I always bought Goldblum in that role. He pulls off the brainy confidence of the type of mathematician/physicist who manages to become widely known. Richard Feynman is the only one I can think of off top of my head, but there have been a few.

The money was just RESTING in his account..

A long time ago, I think it meant like "A bunch of kindling or sticks you burn." so in that context, it actually has some really disturbing connotations, rather than just being "non-PC."

And then he expected the interviewer would edit out half of it so he "didn't sound like a bigot?" Whaaa? The words, you said them, Gary.

Medical benefits suck, though. In-network doc is a total quack…

Would Brixton make that list? I want to name a kid that after "Guns of Brixton" by the Clash. Sounds pretty yuppy, though…

Oh god, it was awful. Just awful. Dorothy annoyed me right off, being too cool and rad for her hometown and mooning about wanting something more but making absolutely no effort to do anything for herself.

Love that dig on Chocolat. I have fond memories of Shakespeare in Love no matter what anyone says, but Chocolat was legit awful.

I wanted to really like King's Speech, but only just generally liked it. I felt like I should have liked it more. I didn't think it was a common sentiment at the time, but I found Black Swan much more interesting to watch and analyze.

I'm from MN and I knew a Thor. It worked.

Yeah, there's no Right Way to get married, even though some people are pretty certain they way the did it is the Only Right Way. Some families are huge, some families are small. Some couples have cultural expectations and obligations. As long as you outline your OWN priorities and stick to them, there's pretty much no

And the Vale politics bubbling under the surface (The Heir, etc).


Stop with the "table setting" complaints already - especially in the expert reviews. Readers of the books should be able to appreciate that the shocking or climactic scenes are not everything in these stories. Sometimes these reviews treat the story like just "some stuff" that happens to put everyone in place for the

Liking Radiohead might be casting too wide of a net to be a dealmaker, but I will say that I'd been dating a guy for a couple weeks and answered the door when he came over one day and he asked, "Is that a Kid A concert tshirt?" The shirt in question just had a weird design on it, there was no way for him to just read

There were also tales of something called "betamax" but no one quite remembers now…