Butter Swan

That makes me wonder if Carrell ad-libbed it and then they loved it and went and filmed it.

Yes! A lot of people don't seem to like the waitress gag, but I think it's hilarious. It's exactly the kind of thing drunk corporate bros would do at a chain restaurant and think they're cool.

If it makes you feel any better, us ladies are the same. I'm a fit gal, I eat well and like being active, and I like guys who do the same. I'm not attracted to heavy guys, even despite a great personality. Believe me, I don't look for washboard abs or giant pecs! I am attracted to a RANGE of body types, but I have to

"First I played with [sister?], then I played with mommy, now I want to play with you daddy!" That was what popped into my head when I saw that screencap. Am I close?

I just watched the Louis CK episode and oh my god, that cartoon. Great story. The Chris Rock ep is also legendary. Do you have any recommendations?

Yes if he's a theropod dinosaur, no if he's a reptile.

The Graysons from 'Revenge.'

Not if it also became unstuck in time.

I think the english-language show is an adaptation of a totally separate book, rather than a remake. A friend of mine signs books into movie deals, and he actually signed this show (at least a year and a half ago) and he was sooo excited about it. He said the book he signed wasn't even published yet… And now it's too

That perfectly sums up the attached parenting couples I know. I call it "vanity parenting." They claim it's better for the children, but it's actually all about how much they NEED to be needed.

Does the line "I like your bewbs." count as a dramatic role? I guess so, in this case.

i'm ok with it, but I'm NOT ok with that facial hair.

I was thinking perhaps inject yourself with something? A lot of people have needle phobias… but plenty of people do that everyday for medical or recreational purposes.

Ok, adjusting my nerd glasses over here. Pompeii's infrastructure was actually pretty bad in the years before the eruption. They had had an earthquake maybe 11 years before which crumbled much of the aqueduct systems and they had gone back to using wells and fountains. There are theories that money and commerce were

Pumice! Someone knows their pyroclastic eruptions!

Please describe. Clearly I am blocking it out, or not scarred enough by it.


Yeah. Dr. Frankenstein carefully attached all the muscles of facial expression to the right spots, but he didn't hook up cranial nerve VII quite right, so they don't work.

I know that's very true on Everest. Into Thin Air was nothing short of chilling, and Outside magazine's 10-years-post-Krakauer article last year was jaw-dropping. So is the "if you can pay, you can summit" trend also true on K2? Don't you at least have to have some skill to even think about climbing K2? I have no

You can play some Mozart on that smartphone, too. Good things last.