Butter Swan

I happened to catch it on cable over the weekend. Went into it with a good-natured, low expectations, just-want-to-watch-a-dumb-action flick attitude and it was still really awful. I was physically cringing during it. The actress playing Scarlet was especially bad, which made me mad because she was so slick and smart

I'm naming my firstborn Brixton.

I'm naming my firstborn Brixton.

My most pop culturey item of clothing is an exact replica of Nigel Tufnel's green skeleton shirt from Spinal tap - which is an exact replica of what his insides look like. I've only had one person recognize it, a teenager at the MoMA of all places.

What I want to know is who are these kids' parents?? If I did something like that, my parents would have hauled me down to police station and DEMANDED I be charged with something. Or taken into protective custody before they killed me themselves.

Lawsuits are all too common these days, but a sometimes that's what it takes to make those people sit up and pay attention. Back in like 1990 a girl in another district was smacked on the butt by some boys on the bus and her family sued. Suddenly, all us elementary school kids were learning a new word: "sexual

God, Toby! It's always his fault! He's horrible!

Yeah, citations please, Mr. Kinnaman. Maybe I'm not up on the new neuroscience literature, but I'm pretty sure the brain is indeed the control tower. The body has some reflexes that can be triggered by motor ganglia in the spinal cord, but it's like "pull your hand off the hot burner" level reflexes, which doesn't

Yup, it reads like some pretty awful fanfic porn. But it's not worse than ones I've seen by "respected" authors that are entered in the Bad Sex in Fiction contest.

Got together with some friends to enjoy some mead and Flea Bottom Brown and watched episodes 3 and 4 of Game of Thrones (no, really that's what we ate a drank).


Daenerys spends about half her time in the Red Wastes and half in Quarth, so there are a few things for her to do before that unfilmable scene, I'd think.

It amuses me to mentally rearrange his last names into "Walder." He could have been a Frey!

**Mild spoilery things probably**

Now I'm imagining that as his "audition clip" in the DVD extras.


I'm so happy to hear the Ong Bak comparison, because that movie is definitely a gold standard for martial arts, imo. Must check out Merantau while waiting for Raid!

And they are SO leaving it there all weekend too. I can almost hear them cackling.

Loved it. Great film!