Butter Swan

That's for the best, really.


Little heavy on the twee children, but I can deal because the rest is terrific! Interesting contrast between the little rebel Toph we know and her authoritarian daughter! I guess that's how you rebel against a rebel? Not surprised about the stubborn streak in THAT family!

As usual!!

Why use that song? GSB had a terrific score, and using it would have drawn fans in instantly and tied this show to the world of the original. And the quick cuts are just disorienting. I don't like trailers that show you everything, but give me SOME idea of what it's going to be about. Badly done.

Agreed. It sounds like an ok adventure story, but the title is so general and unmemorable. Even "Luke Skywalker" would be just cool enough to carry a movie title, but John Carter? That could be anyone, like a signer of the declaration of independence, or one of the Republicans who lost out to McCain in 2008. Maybe one

Rewatched. All the ancient civilizations were on Earth. Derp.

P.S. Oh wait, I'm getting it. Earth was next on their "map"? After all those other ancient civilizations that are now extinct.

I'll go with it. But why Earth? (Besides the fact that we live there and like to make movies?)

I fucking love BOTH of them. And I even like 3. I pretend 4 never happened, though. Anyone care to make a case for it?

Why why WHY did they do that to him?? Maybe if I write Mr. Scott a polite but insistent letter, he'll see my point and let Idris redub the entire movie in his usual accent. Or even a Baltimore. Anything!

I love that movie! It's the greatest inter-species love story ever told! And I thought the two sci-fi worlds worked well together.

Exactly. The score seemed right out of "Alien" to me, just a little more… modern? Anyway, it looks like an Alien movie, it sounds like an Alien movie, and I can't wait!

Google image search her - plenty of really purty, mom-jean-less pictures (glasses on, hair down). And man, that lady can rock any hair color.

I'm a woman and a feminist, and I think this is actually worse: she called herself punk rocker and didn't know who the Sex Pistols were (this was an interview from back in the day).

I started GoT HBO series, too! Only got the first two episodes from Netflix (but I've ready read through book 3, so I'm in no rush). Loving the lush sets and terrific acting! I also wasted like an hour on HBO's youtube channel, watching all the Making Of video. It's awesome - people designing food and costumes and

And there it is! Wow, I kept hitting "All shows" on the TV club main page and looking for GCB, but it never came up. Meanwhile the search function was crying quietly, ignored in the corner. Very sad for everyone involved.

AV Club, are you going to review GCB? Remember, you have to watch this crap so that I can know what it's about and mock it without having to subject myself to it. This is your purpose.

Update: Koski is leading the pack, and therefore must be the cutest.

Wow… That needs to happen!