Butter Swan

I fell in love with him in Brassed Off. That movie doesn't get enough love.


I'm a woman and I wouldn't be caught dead in anything from the VS Pink line. It's so trashy. Unfortunately, college-aged girls wear it like a flippin' uniform. Ugh.

Agreed. And I love that show!

Donal Duck…? What? I followed the link here from the Sam Neill Random Roles (10 years later!). Yikes, I hope he doesn't search his name or this movie on AV Club!!

Need to get a few more accounts so I can 'like' this more.


Excuse me, ma'am, did you buy that cat a ticket to the amusement park? No? Then it'll have to stay in the car. Or go buy it a ticket.

Yeah, I feel like shit just reading the description. :(

Tomboy Angelina who wears a GARTER BELT on a date. I'm not over that.

Perfect! I can't wait for him to look straight at the camera and make a "Jim" face when Sherlock begins pontificating!

"undeniable exploitation notwithstanding,"

Why does Whitechocolatespaceegg always get shat on? Goddamn I love that album!

If I remember right, the zombies have blood and breathe on this show, so I suppose that implies that they use oxygen and feed their cells (which keeps them moving). Maybe they just do it really inefficiently? Because yeah they seem to be rotting. Remember, they don't use most of the brain, really just the cerebellum.

Seriously. "Let's show the towers burn and collapse on repeat! I'm sure that will get New York's attention!" Uh huh, attention gotten. Assholes.

Wow, that response. Cook just keeps piling on the douchery. If that's him "exploring his soul," I think I've seen about all I want to see of it.