Hagbard Selina Kyle

This may be my favorite episode of the show so far, in large part due to the conversation between Rafe and McClintock in the underground cavern. That was as well acted and written a scene as this show as had, and after Klingon Jesus last week, was remarkably grounded, honest and unsentimental. I'm growing more and

It's the number one killer of domestic cats.

"Smoosh your nose against this pane of glass, Vince. It's fun!"

Manimal Effort: The Return of Dr. Johnathon Chase, starring Simon MacCorkindale. This Fall on NBC.

Did I mention the imagination is a dying animal?

Red Wedding? In Soviet Russia, Castemere rains on you! What a country!

The "EYE" felt like a hat on a hat. I wasn't sure what the point was. Sequel bait, maybe? It's like the movie couldn't decide if it wanted to be The Prestige or Ocean's 11.

Mark Hamill plays Mark Harmon and Dorothy Hamill plays Angie Harmon in Dan Harmon's odd couple detective series, Harmon to Harmon.

Are they sure this isn't a Mark Harmon coming to Community story in order to get that fabled NCIS, Community demographic crossover?

"It's the Chronic-What?-Cles of Riddick, yeah!
It's the Chronic-What?-Cles of Riddick, yeah!It's the Chronic-What?-Cles of Riddick, yeah!"
"Dammit, Paul, I heard you the first time."

I think this season has been wildly uneven and has at times made many of it's characters unpleasant, but, this was a pretty great episode, even with such a small amount of Luke.

Since I am really enjoying this show more than I thought I would when I first saw the commercials for it, does that mean I'm suffering from…

Are you sure that wasn't Jason Bateman's bikini from Teen Wolf?

Thank you for painting our friend!

Are you sure that's sweat….

I know people accuse the show of not fully flushing out Winston as a character, but the show gave us Winston and his relationship with pranks. And, honestly, as much as I like Nick and Jess, I ship Winston and Pranks hard. Team Prinston? Team Wanks? I'll let America decide.

HBO has Ice Wall-to-Wall-to-Wall F-Bombs and Nudity.

The Amazing Spider-Man 4: I Immediately Regret My Decision to Post That Joke Without Fully Paying Attention To Sean O'Neal, Whose Genius and Sense of Humor I Should Never Doubt.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Someone Go Ahead and Make that Merlot Joke Now.

Maya Rudolph did give us one of the great SNL sketches in recent memory, the Maya Angelou prank show.