
I always took the and the 6=1 reveal to mean that ultimately we are more in danger of imprisoning ourselves internally than being imprisoned by an external force.

I don't remember the exact quote, but Tyra criticized one of the models for holding their breath while they were underwater.

Okay, I always thought it was 2 referring to the fact that no Village personnel intervened when 6 killed him. In essence, they let him die.

blasmo - Care to refresh my memory about that "Die!" thing? I feel like I should really remember that but for some reason can't.

Agreed, the script doesn't put any McGoohan's intent in stone exactly, just thought it was relevant info.

I think it's the strange body language and voice. She moves her head around like a high school actor, or someone giving a marketing presentation drunk.

Excellent post, Wade.

Actually I always thought it was interesting the Maggie, at least in her younger days but after the early mechanic stuff, was a thick girl WITHOUT huge breasts. Check out the title page of the LOCAS hardcover.

Well, shucks.

This show as influential on me as a kid
I think the reason I still remember it so well is the bond between the friends. I was a loner as a kid but I was inspired by these guys' loyalty to each other, and always thought when I got older and had some good friends, we were always going to have each others' backs like

Peter David's essay
It's an entertaining read:

Denby - I wasn't there so I'll have to check with my folks, but that sounds right. When I referred to what spoiled teenagers wanted, that's kind of what I meant - a lot of older people might have felt some way about civil rights or Vietnam, but also thought people should bathe and work for a living. And I know I

Did you mean to say as hostile to the dirty hippies as the hippies themselves claimed? I've always wondered how many people were anti-hippie, pro-hippie, or just didn't give a shit either way because they were too busy with their own lives to worry about what spoiled teenagers wanted.

You have to go back a couple of decades, but the liberals didn't always have a monopoly on intellectualism. The biggest voices in conservatism used to be guys like William F Buckley and George Will, and their views don't completely line up with the neoconservatism (there is a difference) we have now. As a

I can somewhat sympathize with anti-intellectualism, which is not exclusive to neoconservatives. There is a point where your moral and ideological stance doesn't need to be backed up by science, it's just how you feel. It's frustrating to be told you are on the wrong side because you're not educated enough to be on

Another mistaken lump-in: while plain old conservatives like Buckley Jr. or George Will are pretty anti-regulation, the neocons under Bush's presidency ushered in an unprecedented amount of regulation.

Aw shucks, Jorge, you don't have to apologize, but thank you.

Of course I disagree Jorge with what you are saying. Libertarians, if not Objectivists, are all for charity and I don't think there is a finite amount of resources and wealth. I also think a limited, libertarian-style government would largely negate the opportunities for the powerful to consolidate power. But

Jorge - well, you've sort of met me. Capitalism isn't only about selfishness, it's about creating a situation where everyone can prosper. And you might want to check out this site: