Smiert Spionam

I would just like to point out that the nanites had balck "X's" on them.

What happened to her playing a male to female transexual assassin reconnecting with her illegitimate children?

Sooooo glad Stan's grandfather is still alive (for now). I just realized the other day we hadn't seen him for almost 3 straight seasons, I believe (maybe more)….

@ Loose Stool, D.O.R.?

Is no one gonna point out how giving out booze and blowjobs for votes is VERY Deadwood?

This is why I LOVE The AV Club :)

He came into the restaurant I used to work in last fall with an entourage of maybe 20 or more and two bodyguards. They were both tall, but old and not really physically fit. Also, while they were eating, the two body guards weren't even in the same room. If I would have really wanted to, I could've gone up and got him

I think people really need to revisit Spider-man 2 'cuz it's really not the amazing (see what I did there) film everyone seems to remember. Sure, I enjoyed the hell out of it when I first saw it (grant it, I was, like 15), but even then, I totally had complaints.

It sounded like it was Mycroft who let him out. If I were to guess, they managed to apprehend Moriarty after the Adler incident, but now Mycroft has a new plan that he knows Sherlock will eventually get wind of, so he let Moriarty out to distract him.

I thought it was awesome. A little iffy on the direction they took with Adler, especially her not being American, but otherwise, just as great, if not the best, of the episodes so far. But honestly, I just can't wait for the Moriarty episode. I can't get enough of him and his Dangerously Genre Savvy-ness…

My thoughts exactly.

"We had DRUGS?! Why the Hell am I driving drunk when I could've been driving high?!"

Clive Owen's scene is fucking gold. His reaction to Maggie's replacement had me on the floor.

Are there honestly people here who DIDN'T assume Jimmy was gonna die once they devoted half an episode of flashbacks to him?

This episode made me cry, and not because I was laughing so hard.

Loved Capone's almost George Costanza-esque silent reaction to Eli's "Just kill him!" Haha

No Road to Perdition???

Q. Who is that young lawyer's dad that he keeps referring to and whom no one knows about?

Wow, Alanna Ubach was AMAZING as Roxy? I love how she managed what sounded like an old black woman voice hahaha "This coat is soft as dick skin" hahahaha

A friend of mine had just written a screenplay where, in this case, a small town sheriff was investigating the death of his estranged son and he said he always pictured Cranston in the lead role…