Devil is one of the few characters (Raylan, Boyd, Art, Ava, Dewy) who's actually in the "Fire in the Hole" short story, though he looks different, if i recall, in the book…
Devil is one of the few characters (Raylan, Boyd, Art, Ava, Dewy) who's actually in the "Fire in the Hole" short story, though he looks different, if i recall, in the book…
No one has mentioned…
…the return of Devil from the pilot episode. He looks very different, much creepier.
Paul Calderon
Hey, its Paul! Why the shit isn't he in more stuff?
I hope he wears more suits.
Fuck everybody who didn't appreciate this Biggie lyric
Not that bad
I honestly didn't think it was that bad. In fact, I thought it was pretty fun. The one McBoyle brother was really good, he should be in more shit.
I laughed pretty hard at that…
Fucking Vince McMahon
Haven't watched wrestling in years, so I had to google image search Michael Cole to make sure it was who I was thinkin' of and…Jesus Fuck!
Really funny. I watched this episode last night, then watched Primer for the first time today, not knowing I had just seen "Abe" the night before.
Weller was only the worst actor on the show if you don't know Peter Weller. This role was so unlike anything he ever played before and I loved every second of it…
^ I laughed pretty hard through the tears at that one…
Did anybody notice?
That Hank and Britt were wearing the same clothes they were in the Pilot, Britt in his pink hoodie and Hank the shirt seen in the picture above?
So let's say that there is no God and FX doesn't renew Terriers…
…could they take the show to another network, like say, AMC?
Funny, I just downloaded that movie to watch for completely unrelated reasons. I'll definitely watch it sooner now if you say its somewhat similar. Love me a good noir…
I think trying to fuck a drunk girl whom you know has a boyfriend is grounds for an ass beating, imho.
Andre Royo (Bubbles)
Nice to see him again. Was hoping the ending of the Olivia episode wasn't intentionally misleading…
Just finished first ep
…and as the Brits might say, "Its fuckin' tits." I love the look and feel, Cumberbatch/Freeman are wonderfully cast, and the dialogue is sharp. The addition of McGuigan, a director whose work I really enjoy, makes this series a "can't miss."
"You've never really watched X-Files?" You've been reviewing this show for all this time, but you "never really watched X-Files?" What??? How???