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    Good Riddance - Paris, enjoy
    Glad these douche-bags are not coming to Brooklyn. I'm so sick of everyone treating my neighborhood like a movie set. I find it unbelievable that Jodie Foster would work for him. He has a history of sexual abuse towards women.

    I don't give him credit for willing to work for a pervert.


    Yeah, I'm totally lost, too. I didn't get it.

    Thanks, David.


    Great link. I've got something new to read!!! Seriously, I had no idea about MC doe eyed d-bag. Maybe Casey Affleck can direct his reality show.

    Actually, if it's not a hoax, I'd wonder if Casey Affleck is the narcissist in question. Really? Follow someone in your family around as he self-destructs? Not my idea of family.

    Okay, I'm gonna say it one more time: MadTV, I loved that show, Keegan did a great Obama and the music video parody they did with "Obama" and "Hillary" was laugh out loud hilarious. That cast did great edgy humor that SNL wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

    I don't think of Dexter as the same genre. I think of AP as a commentary about class and society. I think Dexter is just about a sociopath. I don't understand why AP is lumped together with horror flicks. It's so clearly a total mind f*&k instead. And totally hilarious. "Japan's going to take over the world!" … in


    No, Kevin is Michael Palin.

    even though I remember him from Conan, I still imagined his voice as it is on delocated… I enjoy the show, it's funny and stupid

    I also enjoyed the analysis and commentary. I was on vacation and just got caught up. I'm glad Abdi won and the picture of Ryan and Miles kissing is awesome.

    I knew it.

    You really have to develop a thick skin. I think all creatives experience this. I bristled, but had to agree with the critics. It is up to Abdi to find his vision. Abdi knew he was grasping at straws and I doubt it was a surprise that he got that answer.

    I've tried to write artist statements and while one I wrote sounded kind of cool…it was total bullshit. I recently walked around some local artist galleries and I read one of these artist statements that was so overly intellectualized that my eyes started wavering and glazing over. Really? So your little shadow

    Sorry, Bustamante

    Interview with Nao on NYFA Website
    Nao Bustamente gave an interview regarding her experience.

    I just bought an electric infuser, so I can make tea or espresso at my desk. So much for technology. You can surf the in'ernet on an IPod but the technology for a really hot cup of water has not changed. Microwaves suck.