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    I think it has been 30 years since I have been there as well. AND…I celebrated my 5th birthday at a …drum roll please… SHAKEYS PIZZA! At Casa Bonita, I remember there was a black bird that said "HOLA" or maybe I was dreaming. I dunno. It was pretty surreal from what I remember.

    My favorite movie. It's got what you crave! Now if you'll excuse me, I have a class to attend at Costco…

    My favorite movie. It's got what you crave! Now if you'll excuse me, I have a class to attend at Costco…

    That corner vagina office must be impressive.

    That corner vagina office must be impressive.

    My father feels the same way about Louis C.K. Must be a generational thing.

    My father feels the same way about Louis C.K. Must be a generational thing.

    I'm as happy as a green snake in a sugar cane field!

    I'm as happy as a green snake in a sugar cane field!

    This is a really good and interesting review of this artist's life. Much better than anything else I have read.

    I think Jay Leno and John Favreau should have a chin fight. A fight to the death!

    Wait, wait. I worked at a KFC, where a guy drove into the dining room. Not kidding. No one was hurt. I was working the drive through (IRONY). Jay was not the driver. That would have been more interesting.

    Yeah, I spent years working at fried chicken establishments. Not kidding. I wouldn't eat that stuff if Aretha sang about it. The London Symphony can shill for the 'man' - but you will never see me set foot in a BK for their crispy fried chicken things with drizzled liquidy cheeses squirted on top.

    Ew, Dan Harmon is TMI. I can't stand that kind of stuff from FB postings among people I know, let alone some dude I have no idea who he is.

    I agree with Todd's review - it is the best comedy show on TV. Last week I was laughing through the whole episode. The last time I laughed like that was when I saw the SNL with Maya Rudolph (Sister Angelou, what that an act of malice? - No, it was an act of WHIM-sy!), but that was a one off for SNL. Archer has been

    Funny, I originally got cable because I wanted to watch SciFi. Now I don't watch SyFy ever. Never. Nothing. I always wonder, "who is watching this stuff?" It's like Two and a Half Men. That show is so horrible. I have watched it and it is horrible. Not funny. Stinko. Dumbo. Charlie Sheen is just being himself minus

    Also, the dog is Bender.

    My old pa hates Louis CK. I'm sure he'd hate Tim and Eric, too. I imagined him as the old codger at the Q and A.

    I was thinking the same. It was a joke y'all!

    Yes, it was. I can still recall the voiceover talking about Fudgie the Whale and Cookiepuss on the tv commercial.