I think.
I think.
I didn't get all the references either, and I'm getting long in the tooth. Hooper, The End, Deliverance, Smokey and the Bandit are the ones the spring to mind. And he likes to collect American artists, like Edward Hopper. That's my trivia for today.
I've listened to TJ and I find him to be a smart and respectful guy. His observation is probably worth noting. He's seeing someone fall into a hole like the way Charlie Sheen did.
It's his job. He bit it.
Aisha is awesome. Her podcasts are fun. I enjoyed her interview with the Luna brothers. And some of us woman folk actually blossom with age. Eh? Eh? Amiright?
Okay. Hmm. If you people watched Chelsea Handler, you'd know Louie Anderson is gay. So, there's that.
You can be addicted to anything, losing yourself in innumerable ways, alienating you from yourself and everyone else. Sometimes dying as my cousin did. I hate to say it, but we live in a culture that encourages this behavior. As a society we sink into obsessive behavior and encourage it. We revel in it. We are a…
Yeah, Death Note was pretty cool.
Fred Armisen's lesbian bookstore owner reminds me of my mother.
Oh, I liked KAWS too. He was so soft spoken! And really good, I agree.
It's been a lot of fun! Thanks for doing the reviews on such an obscure show. Okay, maybe I was delirious, but I swear that during the exhibit someone joked that Sara's hair bikini was China's final outfit for the evening. Did anyone else catch that? I'm glad Kymia won, I do really admire her work (I'm sooo…
Aw shucks, no more filming in my neighborhood…darn!
I'm a chick, so they were not checking the prostate. I too have wondered what the heck they were looking for up there. I had about three interns in the room while he did this and I was 12.
My first reaction at the contest was that it was just so crappy. Crappy contest, poorly thought out with a slapdash of $30,000 tagged to it. Really? How crass is this going to get? Oh yeah. Boobs, penises and vulvas. Nevermind.
Interesting note about Bill Powers. I think it's endemic in the art world.
Seriously, Liz Cohen just did an episode of Pimp My Ride.
Check out Swoon's work. She does the paper wheat pasting thing and it is visually interesting. People really dig her and others who do the same kind of work. It can be done better.
I will miss The Sucklord. But I didn't really like anything anyone did on the show last night. I live in NYC. I see much better stuff everywhere. The vandals in the subway cutting up posters are better and make wittier commentary. I feel Tewes would not have done any better. It's too bad. The contestants are not…
Actually, I thought it looked like it was made of…(drumroll)…Newspaper!
I'm not excited about Young's win, either. He definitely played it to win it. It's an obvious design piece that you could see in the NY Times lobby. Doesn't make it great. Too much is about making something commercial (Entertainment mag spread/Lobby of NYT building). You could even say it's a different kind of…