Dick Grayson

Well this article didn't give much info, I didn't realize he was just producing, That makes sense.

So does that mean we only get two seasons of Louie? Did I miss it getting canceled or something? Also, Louis C.K. on CBS seems like a really bad idea.

Maybe its just a rumor, but I heard he was the original choice to play Walter White. Does anyone know what the deal is with that? Or why he would have turned it down? 

I think think of a bunch of great John Lennon songs. #9 Dream, Oh Yoko, Beautiful Boy, Well Well Well, Mother, Watching the Wheels, Jealous Guy, Crippled Inside, Whatever Gets you through the night…etc…

Vincent Cassel should play him in the movie, if hes not too old by that time.

I had a crush on Crusher and Troi. I used to imagine them doing all kinds of dirty things to each other on the holodeck while Picard, Riker, Worf and I watched. I also dug Yvonne Craig as Batgirl.

I met him on the set of Game Change a few months ago(I was an extra). He sat at the piano and played Imagine during the break. He also had a giant bus with wolves air brushed on it and security at the door. He would disappear into it every once in a while. I think he had a Wii in there.

Don't forget Peep Show.

My girlfriend hates community but loves BBT. Read into that what you will.

He is definitely underrated…Elton John all the way to Rock of the Westies is a killer run(but I could take or leave Caribou)…Everyone should own Tumbleweed Connection. People tend to give him shit for his 80s output on, but a lot of his 80s work is pretty great as well, it wasn't until he hit the early 90s that things

I'm familiar with a version of it from the Blue Lyres from the 1930's, and its a pretty crazy racist. The one lyrics that sticks with me are "When you're layin 6 feet deep, no more fried chicken will you eat" and "When you're layin in your grave, no more blonde women will you crave". Racist elements aside, its a

Woo hoo, I'm in this movie! Granted, I'm just an extra in a few scenes, but I got to sit around with Woody Harrelson and his bouncer all day. He has a giant blue bus with wolves air brushed onto it that he smokes his weed in.

Exactly…so Waits is better at this kind of thing and would be less prone to ridicule.

Dylan, while a brilliant song writer, blah blah blah, just doesn't have the charisma or showmanship to pull this off without being ridiculed. Tom Waits on the other hand has this shit down to a science.

I have a friend who refuses to watch Breaking Bad because he finds the premise uninteresting. I'm sick of trying to convince him. I guess I know how he feels though, I had the same reservations starting to watch Mad Men, but they proved me wrong.

Songs about meatloaf as performed by Meat Loaf.

I should clarify. A musically creative bone. He could sing pretty, but didn't contribute a damn thing to the creative process.

Pretty much all his solo work is top notch. Garfunkel didn't have a musical bone in his body(besides a decent voice), so he loaded up the s&g albums with a bunch of filler that got exorcised with the first Paul Simon album. For my money, Rhythm of the Saints, and Hearts & Bones are two very underrated albums.

The ending clearly shows why he didn't enter his vehicle. Gus is a smart guy, and he knew that he didn't poison Brock, so Walt did…and so while he was walking to the car, he put all the pieces together and figured out that Walt had Jessie back on his side.

I think its pretty clear why Gus didn't get into the car. Jessie told him in the hospital that Brock had been poisoned, and Gus put two and two together and came to the conclusion that Walt turned Jessie. And I agree that it was a long shot for Walt to poison Brock, but considering his options, I think he was willing