Dick Grayson

I'll call this for next season…Hank gets a hold of Fring's computer and finds a camera feed pointed at Walt's house.

Yeah they've been terrible for over 20 years now, but this is one of the coolest openings to an album ever:

I guess we're supposed to deduce that her character is really into jazz huh?

I know that to an extent there is some continuity in the Star Trek universe, but for the most part they're monster of the week episodes. I'd like to see a new serialized star trek. I think it would do well, but it would probably be compared to BSG constantly. Also, they shouldn't use Scott Bacula.

I'm gonna pick this up today and give it a listen. I really liked Actor. Any chance that a review of the new Primus album is coming up?

Great album, you kind of have to take the whole thing in to appreciate it though. Just picking out one song doesn't really do it justice. I do like The Knot just slightly better though.

I was disguised by a 70s porn 'stache so I didn't get noticed. I had a friend whose neighbors called the police on him several times though, every time his episode of unsolved mysteries ran. The police had to go explain to them the difference between tv and reality.

I actually portrayed a serial killer on America's Most Wanted once. The autograph line forms to the right.

Wasn't this an episode of the Golden Girls?

I really liked her last album a lot, and I'll definitely pick this up, but some of her songwriting is pretty bad. I feel like sometimes I'm listening to what could have been a great song if only some of the lyrics weren't as half baked.

Eggers is a blowhard and a terrible writer. I read about half of a heartbreaking work of staggering genius, and I just couldn't get over how into himself the guy was. Boo hoo, you had some shit happen to you…get over it.

I love bukowski
I didn't realize there was any backlash on him, but whatever. While some of his antics might seem pretty far out there, I think he captured what its like to be a terrible alcoholic spot on. He didn't sugar coat anything, but at the same time, he wasn't affected like some writers who try to do the same.

I hate poop jokes too, but speaking of Peep Show, they actually pull a decent one off too. I can't remember the exact episode, but Mark is sick and his boss and Big Suze are in the house, and theres some sort of barricade going on…anyways, its funny.

Were you watching Jar City?


I think he looks more like Albert Fish than Ed Gein
Now that is one creepy fucking dude.

For unrealistic dialogue that actually works, I point you to David Mamet, and shes no David Mamet.

Don't forget the chair on the lawn or whatever the fuck it was. I can't be bothered to remember, I just know i hated it and that damn phone with a burning passion reserved for child molesters.

Sorry, Rand, Bran is from song of ice and fire…that kind of kills my point there since that series is pretty amazing.

I read the first book since I love a good fantasy epic…and the minute i finished it, i threw it in trash, and felt embarrassed that I wasted time on it, and felt even more embarrassed that someone wasted time writing it. It is the most derivative, unoriginal boring waste of a tree I've read in a long time. I can kind