Dick Grayson

Well yeah, but i was keeping my pick in the realm of country/folk music music. Tom Waits is something else altogether, and yes, he definitely deserves consideration as the best.

John Prine IMO.

This is really disappointing
I'm hoping the reason this is so mediocre is that hes saving all his good stuff for the new Deltron…didn't he claim it was finished last year?

I personally think James Joyce should have stopped after Ulysses. Finnegans Wake is just wankery.

Season 3 of Lost really lost some steam until the end, but I really enjoyed season 2. The introduction of Desmond and Dharma, all the training videos, Ben making his first appearance…the only shit they should have gotten rid of were the tail passengers, fuck all them(except eko and bernard).

So I guess they die, which is pretty upsetting, but the synopsis on wikipedia makes it sound infinitely more stupid "When Jacob learns that his father was deeply in debt because he had been treating animals for free as well as mortgaging the family home to provide Jacob an Ivy League education, he has a breakdown and

Dirty Projectors-inspired acoustic R&B licks…
I love gorillaz, but god that sounds so….white.

Albums Rankings
I just tried to rank his albums in my head, but damn, its hard as shit…at any given time I could pick any as my #1….probably rhythm of the saints if you put a gun to my head, but hearts and bones is really underrated…tons of great songs on that album. Also, songs from the capeman is great as long as

I actually loved FFXII, I think its probably the best one since 7. XIII, not so much. That one really didn't have anything going for it until the very end, when the world opens up a little more, but then it was too little too late…if the whole game had been like that, it would have been pretty great. Their biggest

I believe the proper wording is Fire is to Hot as Jim Carey is to Sucks…still doesn't quite work, but whatever….maybe Suckage would be more appropriate.

the lucas arts website sells monkey island 1 and 2 with updated graphics and voiceover, its pretty sweet, plus you can switch between the new updated version and the old one at any time by pushing one of the F keys.

Cowboy bebop is still in the works right? with keanu playing spike? that is going to be painful to watch.

I just applied
Get used to seeing this face chumps! I'm gonna be living the dream!

I imagine he'd stay true to the original.

The next asshole who calls me Burt Young gets a batarang upside the head.

Aww shit, ok, its on.

I'm going to cover all of these in my basement
and send it into the AV Club…and then they will throw it away, and I'll die a lonely unappreciated artist.

I don't think you'll find much argument about the awesomeness of Elton John. Everything up to but not including Prisoner of Love is pretty untouchable. And after that, he still managed to put out the occasional great album, like Too Low For Zero. Anyways, I'm always pushing people to listen to Tumbleweed Connection,

I don't necessarily think the SATC cast are bad actresses
they're just in a bad movie…i think the razzies often screw that up…being in a bad movie doesn't mean it was a bad performance.

Or you could stop being an ass and just say "I don't feel like discussing it at the moment" instead of some lame phrase that could be interpreted a variety of ways.