Dick Grayson

Accents are so hard to pull off, even for really good actors. I was in a stage play once and thought I had nailed a british accents(one of the easier ones) and then the reviews came out and one was just brutal saying I basically ruined the whole play….so yeah, if I had bryan cranston money I'd make sure I had a speech

This article is pretty on point, both Right Time and War Inna Babylon are essential roots albums(well all the ones listed are, but those are two lesser known amazing albums). I'd add to the list Live Again! by Israel Vibration, and while its maybe not strictly roots, the absolute must have is Funky Kingston by Toots

I love Wye Oak as much as the next person, but could you please stop using that horrible picture of Jenn Wasner that makes her look like one of those celebrity photoshops with their teeth removed. Surely you can find something slightly more becoming.

Innervisions is one of the most solid albums ever, start to finish.

I did a binge read of the comic, and so far it hasn't really gotten any better, Negan is just a retread of the Governor with a few different traits thrown in for good measure. But as far as the large-scale story, its gotten downright ridiculous, with characters totally doing stupid shit for no good reason except to

Deltron bitches.

I'm more of a tractor rape chain man myself.

He's a libertarian. Bootstraps he says…

Meanwhile I'm eating spam sandwiches and living on a mattress in the back of my el camino.

Yeah, its alright, but I expected better from Lonely Island

I was ready to be disappointed by this album, but its really good, I could do without the skits though, I liked the ones on the first album, but these kind of fall flat(the intro is good, but the david cross ones are terrible). But if you liked the first one, its definitely worth picking up.

He got the machine gun after he met with Badger and Skinny Pete and he dennys was in town(which is why he told Jim Beaver the gun wasn't even leaving town).

It was foretold by the asians.

Worst offender:

Analyze This and Goodfellas means The Sopranos never should have been made!
Roc was set in Baltimore, and Homicide Life on the Streets was a gritty crime drama, combined, they render The Wire nothing but a luke warm rehash!

Wow, what a load of utter horse shit.

I did see it…so there is that.

True, he seemed like he really cared about that, and Suckerpunch even more so, hes just a truly shitty director who's skills aren't up to par with his enthusiasm.

Yes yes yes, the watchmen wasn't really about superheroes, everyone and their grandmother knows that, I was using it as a shorthand so I didn't have to explain the whole fucking watchmen subtext in my one post, but thanks for calling me out on it. In the future I'll make sure all my posts employ legalese so I don't