Dick Grayson

I like their early stuff and pump…that is all.

I have no journalism skills…
but I do have connections in Gotham. May I please have the job?

You sold me with Bowie.

TV on the radio
I gotta say, 2 years ago when they were on the top of everyones album of the year lists with dear science, i ran out and got their album expecting something great…i even listened to it several times thinking i was missing out on something…then I never listened to it again…

I cringe at the lyric about testicles. Nugget is the shit though, I could have that song on repeat all day.

Oh Comely is the best song on the album. I think the entire album is essentially a build up to that song. It features the best lyrical story telling, and is just such a downer that it drags the entire album into the bowels of hell, but in a good way.

I like the show and think parts of it are pretty incredible, but there is just a tad too much toilet humor that doesn't work for me. Kind of like Chapelle show, when it was on, it was great, but the shit jokes just wouldn't end.

Range Life
It seems like every single AV Club article for the past several months(or since billy corgan tweeted) feels the need to mention Range Life. Was there some sort of back room meeting where this was discussed and agreed upon?

yeah, holy shit, widespread panic is like phish if they had no good songs and just jammed on some crappy blues riff for 3 hours. Anyone who picks widespread over phish has very questionable taste.

I'm gonna have to say that I've seen phish probably 20 times live(no, im not a hippy) and they are some of the best musicians in the business right now.

Who will play Henry Chinaski?
if he were an actual character in this show, i'd watch it. But he has to rape a woman on his route.

Why does it need to be opposed to something? Its an ignorant argument no matter how its framed…"Everyone likes this so it must be bad" is just as ignorant. Its not invalid, just ignorant. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and that opinion is valid, even if its stupid.

Hes a good actor in the very limited roles he can pull off…which is basically saying hes a bad actor…he has no range, its up to the director to cast him well for there to be a payoff…

Why God why??
Why would an actor totally unfit for a role, with no ability to show growth or range, inflict this upon the world? Is he even a box office draw anymore? I can't imagine wanting to see a movie just because mark wahlberg was in it…the exact opposite. I always see him as a guy who gets attached to a good

I don't recall saying I didn't like it. I'm just saying using the "Everyone likes this so it must be good" argument is ignorant.

Neckbeard nailed it. Bad music is bad music…fuck this nonsense.

If many people agree with it, it has to be right…

I started with Joes Garage. I still think that is one of the greatest albums of all time. And probably has the greatest guitar solo ever, 'Watermelon in Easter Hay'

Pennies from heaven is my favorite Steve Martin movie, its a shame it wasn't a hit…i think theres a year of the flops written up about it…the Jerk and the man with two brains are great too. "Into the mud swamp witch!"

Who is this Billy Joel you speak of? You couldn't be referring to songsmith William Joel are you? Because if so, you just made a major faux pas. How declasse.