Dick Grayson

Sorry, I prematurely shot my wad.

This album seems to be getting much better reviews
Mostly pretty glowing reviews from what i've read. I'll pick this up, but I'm a sucker for elton john, so I'd have got it even if it was a one star review.

I always dug "My Fathers Gun" and "Where to Now St. Peter". Some of the rockers on Rock of the Westies are pretty great too.

Fuck that, Matthew McConaughey. I kid though, Fillion is about as good a pick as I can think of. I'd watch that.

Ninja Bachelor Party : Bill Hicks
Heart Beeps : Andy Kaufman

They should get Spike Jonze and Charlie Kaufman involved
I'd watch that.

This is one of those strange comment threads where everyone is right…because damn near every single bowie album is so great I can see how a person can like it over the others. I don't think I could pick a favorite if forced to. But I don't get the Outside hate, Earthling I can kind of understand, but I think Outside

I'm down with the remix/mashups
I usually prefer original music, but if done right mashup can be pretty decent, in a collage/scrapbook kinda way. Very rarely will a mashup be better than the originals, but a remix can sometimes take a good song and make it great.

No offense Mohindrance, but most of the questions were answered except for a few nitpicky ones. I think that while a lot of the mysteries were way more interesting than the answers, just about everything has a pretty definite answer. For some reason many people are still bitching about things that were answered long

It comes out on the DS December 9th, and PS3 sometime next year.

I think you've hit on something, and this is why I think when people say "Lost is about the characters, not the mysteries", they're right(partly, cuz i loved the mysteries). If you give them the global conspiracy at the beginning, as the event does, without first building characters that the audience cares about, it

Anyone else excited about the level 5, studio ghibli team up?
I forget the name of the game, but I'm pumped…and I've never played a Professor Layton game, but I'm tempted to give it a try, too bad I don't have DS. I wish they would port some of these games to the console. I'm still upset the sequel to Valkyria

Another one bites the dust
hey hey

I weigh 125 pounds… :(

If I went back in time strictly to listen to music
As most of these posts seem to do for some reason. I'd probably pick the classical period so I could sit in a salon with snooty rich women and hear Mozart or Beethoven play. To me that seems way more satisfying than trying to catch the rise of the sex pistols or some

Ebert also says video games aren't art. Hes been wrong before. And he is wrong again. I can't believe anyone is even considering taking this seriously. This is Poe's Law at its finest.

Without irony, without hyperbole…you're all fucking nuts.

I think this article misses a lot of the subtleties of tom waits music
It groups him into pre-swordfishtrombones and post swordfishtrombones eras, without really noticing that he goes through a lot of shades in between…heartattack & vine is a lot closer to the swordfishtrombones sound than to closing time…

Harry's Harbor Bazaar

I love all of his albums, but if I had to pick his weakest, I'd probably go with foreign affairs.