Dick Grayson

I can't believe the article says the black rider is no good. It has some great songs on it, and the instrumentals are pretty top notch(especially the russian dance). Of course it has some music that doesn't really go anywhere, because its music from a musical, and that was just its background music, very haunting and

That happened to me as well, except instead of Five for Fighting, it was Joan Osborne. Shes actually kind of decent though.

Until the women show up at Mooby's
Jay & Silent Bob is a pretty good comedy. Once the women show up…pure donkey vomit. Which proves my point, women should not be allowed in film.

I find its my job to be in the middle, like luke warm water.

I like Melloncamp well enough
not really enough to delve into his catalog, but hes got some good songs. I need a lover that won't drive me crazy, the authority song, and cherry bomb are pretty rockin.

So Conchords is officially dead?
Is there any chance they'll do another season later on down the line, or have they pretty much killed it all together? I'll miss that show, but I think Rhys Darby would fit in fine on the office, too bad it hasn't been funny in a while.

TVZ is pretty damn fantastic
but I think for every good song he has, he has a bad one. Some of his songs are kind of generic, and then he has some stellar ones. I love him and have most of his albums, but I wouldn't say he was the best songwriter ever(I wouldn't say bob dylan was either). That honor goes to John Prine

Weezer(Rivers Cuomo especially) is like the woody allen of music
Their old stuff was the shit, new stuff is shit, but I always hold out hope that their next album might win me over. And they have that whole nerdy asian love thing too…I'm sure this has been pointed out numerous times before.

Is this a joke?
Ke$ha's AV Club interview comes out next week.

I kinda dug Funeral, it had some decent tracks
Haven't heard neon bible, but after all the praise Funeral got, and my overall lack of enthusiasm for it, i didn't really feel like I was missing much. Should I check these two out? I think the biggest problem for me is that on Funeral, every song seemed to use the exact

Rape is nothing to joke about, unless its clown rape.

You guys really thought it was innovative cuz it added a couple heroes? It just stole from one genre and added it in half assed. I mean it wasn't a bad game, but it was basically warcraft 2 with a few characters that had names. And you mention unit limits as an innovation, that sounds more like a drawback to me. Some

He was the bomb in ghost dog.

I loved Warcraft, Warcraft 2 and Starcraft
Then I played Warcraft 3, and I realized that they're done innovating, they just update the graphics. Even the stories seem recycled. Is Starcraft 2 any different? I really want to like it, but I was bored after a very short time with Warcraft 3 and I feel like this would be

Theres no way this movie will be as good as Nothing But Trouble
and I'm betting Humpty Hump isn't even in this.

I don't think there is any Betty White backlash, the backlash is over the idiots who think its just a laugh riot to sport betty white gear.

Anyone wearing this should swallow molten glass
I love betty white as much as the next guy, and yeah, im glad shes back in the public eye, and getting what due, but jesus…its time to stop. These people aren't doing it out of any real love of Betty White as an actress and comedienne. Its all just stupid irony and some

Hold up…where is Leo?
I refuse to believe Scorsese even begins looking at scripts until he has him in lock down for the lead role. Not that I'm complaining…Every Scorsese film with DiCaprio has been utter shit(well maybe not shit, but they're no Cape Fear).

Puzzle Agent had a lot of promise
Great artwork and premise, but I thought the puzzles were all very pedestrian, and even repeated themselves, which doesn't give me much hope for future installments of the game. Also, the story had some interesting ideas, but ultimately fell flat.

I didn't know her background, but i knew she was shitty…I suspect you just don't know good music if you think her background matters at all.