Dick Grayson

This bitch is like Ke$sha if she decided to try and be political
fuck em both, literally and figuratively.

Yup, Automatic for the People is hands down their best. That album never gets old and it just loaded with great songs.

My girlfriend calls neko case whiny college dorm room music…I'm almost ready to throw down on her over it, I just pop it on every so often hoping eventually she'll be tricked into liking her.

Both are fan-fucking-tastic, anyone who can't appreciate both is a dumb shit.

I had commented about loving the game when I saw it a long time ago and not wanting to revisit it out of fear that it sucks on rewatching, I feel the same way about the matrix. I loved it when I saw it in the theatres, but now I'm guessing i wouldn't care for it, especially since the other two are so bad they hurt the

I love gun & roses…well everything up to and not including the spaghetti incident(chinese democracy wasn't bad, but i only listened to it once and lost interest)…and wes anderson, while i feel hes recycling himself a lot, i like being in his world, so it works for me.

My only issue with full metal jacket is that I don't really care for matthew modine, if kubrick had cast anyone else i would have enjoyed the movie much more, that said, its still great(especially the first half).

yeah, I loved the game when I first saw it, but I'm very scared to revisit it, so I'll just keep my fond memories of it.

My girlfriend loves Peep Show, we're up to season 5 now and will be watching some tonight. Also, the Jerk is one of the greatest comedies ever. She obviously can't tell shit from shinola.

I saw In Bruges having absolutely no idea what it was, I was walking by a theatrea and just bought a ticket on a lark, and I loved the shit out of it. I kind of like either having no expectations going into a movie, or expecting a movie to go in one direction and it going somewhere completely different. Anyone hating

Huh, I love The Tipping Point, I guess I'm the only one.

Spalding Man, but Prine has songs just as poignant as Dylan, where as Wes doesn't compare to Ingmar in that respect.

Actually, Dylans caginess is what I like best about him, and John Prine dabbled in a bit of that from time to time, but to lesser effect.

Prine > Dylan
There, I said it. He's just more witty and more fun to listen to.

Anyone who likes Sleigh Bells can eat a dick.
The Gorillaz album was the shit though.

Yeah, since someone asked, I enjoy the Coen Brothers comedies, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, the office(both versions), older steve martin movies, christopher guest movies and mother fucking Pootie Tang. I don't think all Apatow movies are horrible, just not deserving all the praise they get. And yes, Apatow

Looks like total shit to me.
He wasn't funny in Sarah Marshall, and I'm guessing he still isn't. Look at the picture they chose, they're just mugging for the camera, P-Diddy is in it, and if the trailers are any measure, that guy has the comedic timing of anal cancer(the unfunny kind). Plus fucking Jonah Hill, how

Has anyone mentioned that Sarah Jessica Parker looks like a horse yet?
Because yeah, thats important.

Out of all those choices, I'd have to go with Vincent Gallo
I know…hes not a real choice, but he'd be the best…I'd pay good money for that…even more if Chloe Sevigny is Mary Jane.

I think he gets more respect that I thought he would by the younger generations, but I'm not sure why, because no one I know has any notion of his music beyond his hits. I guess his pop craft is good enough that everyone recognizes and respects what hes done in the past, but no one cares enough to dig deeper, and