Dick Grayson

Bah, those are ok, but if you want some real piano playing, Bennie and the Jets, Honky Cat and Burn Down the Mission are the way to go.

Just wanted to post an obligatory I love Elton John comment.
It's sad how underrated he is these days, but as stated above he kind of did it to himself. I think he basically imploded in the 80s and just started skating by on past accomplishments(but he did release too low for zero in the 80s, which was pretty great).

Van Morrison appropriated Astral Weeks! That son of a bitch!

Yeah, the shame over Guster is that they're just really really bad. They have no redeeming quality what so ever.

Hearts and Bones was an amazing album and anyone who says otherwise, i'll appropriate their face! Seriously though, I'm totally weak, but hearts and bones is killer.

Funky Kingston, or just about any reggae album
Paul Simon was a good pick too, any of his albums are a pick me up. Out to Lunch by Eric Dolphy would be my go to jazz album.

I don't even know anymore.

I do not like her because I'm a woman hating anti-semite…there, I said it…thats a load off my mind.

The trailer for this made the movie look god awful
I'm glad it isn't as bad as it looks, even though I kinda hate John Favreau and Gwyneth Paltrow.

I prefer to be referred to by my christian name, "Penis"

Well then, they wanted to keep fucking her.

This is the internet, I can be a chick too.

Now that there is an opening at the AV Club
I suggest you hire me. If you don't, you'll probably be sorry(Not in an anthraxy sort of way, more in a you missed tapping one of the greatest minds of our era sort of way).

She is really really not funny…neither is lisa lampenelli. Fat, attractive, whatever, both of them are bad. All the Mr. Show people probably just wanted to fuck her.

I take that back, you're an ignorant fuck-wad too.

Well Grand Moff, I'm not here to convince anyone, especially someone who can't tell the difference between a lost hater and someone who just hasn't put the time in to catch up.

Ok, All lost haters are ignorant fuck-wads, but not all ignorant fuck-wads are lost haters. Some V haters are cool. There's a math problem hidden in here somewhere.

Lost haters are ignorant fuck-wads
V haters are cool though.

Did anyone else get an Iron Man promo during Lost?
and think it was totally lame…it made the new movie look like a kid rock video, and was full of terrible one liners. I really hope that its just a shitty trailer and not indicative of the movie itself.

I wouldn't say hes a bad actor, just not a great one, and maybe a lot of that has to do with him being the lead, which in this case is a fairly bland character, and it doesn't help that hes got o'quinn and emmerson outshining everyone else…but he has definitely come a long way, and shown some impressive chops this