Dick Grayson

I tend to not give michael fox much credit as an actor. Scenes with him and Kate together seem to be the worst this show has to offer. But his delivery of that line was pretty damn good, it could have been comically out of place in that scene, but he managed to say it with just the right amount of gravitas that it hit

Whats wrong with subjugating women?

Phish is great as is HST, you're wrong on both counts.

Yeah, i played dawn of the new world all the way to the bitter end…it was definitely disappointing, but the first one wasn't exactly stellar to begin with, so I didn't have high expectations anyway.

And they'll get it…oh how they'll get it.

The entire Tumbleweed Connection album.

Haha, I'm l337 enough bitch. I actually was thinking of buying that one, but I have to finish Dragon Age first…they're more dark, and less whimsical though, I wanted something with a dash of whimsy. The tales games are pretty decent, I just finished tales of symphonia and the sequel and should probably pick up that

I posted about hating the series opener
I thought it was a cliched piece of shit and didn't really get the hype. That said, once the first season comes out on dvd, i'll probably watch it and give it another chance…

Some people don't take me seriously when I say Elton John is one of my favorite artists.
I guess they don't realize that before he went all adult contemporary he made some of the most progressive, ass kicking rock music of the 70s. And fuck it, even some of his easy listening shit is pretty damn good. Hes got a new

I really want to play a good old high fantasy RPG
I loved FF13, but I really wanted something with more fantasy elements and less of the futuristic city bullshit. This Nier I was kind of hopeful about, but now not so much. Best RPGs I played semi-recently are probably Eternal Sonata(About Chopin!) and Valkyrie

The fishing mini game in twilight princess is the worst. I almost quit the game 15 minutes into it because of that damn thing. I agree, all fishing mini games should be retired and never spoken of again.

I played the demo of this a few weeks ago
I had taken several drops of acid, which usually makes games 10x more fun, but this game underwhelmed me, but maybe the demo was just weak, because it looks pretty neat. That new old school contra game on wii ware was pretty great though, as was this whacked out german

I've been to two ozzfests, back when they were semi-decent
One year Tool was the headliner(behind ozzy of course), and I think megadeth was the next(they kinda sucked, but whatever, I like their old shit).

If they can pull him away from the smurfs
Paul Rubens as the Riddler.

Max Weinberg is awesome, but if he did talk to Leno, thats a dick move.

Who will be the lead?
I nominate the Rock.

She must have a willy nelson sized tax bill to have signed on for this dreck.

Yes, that is exactly what I am insinuating. My penis is so large that only the most cavernous of crevasses can accept its length and girth.

As the biggest Dick here, I just wanted to say…
That this show doesn't look terrible. Not good, but not terrible, which is a step up for MTV. Now if you'll excuse me, this dick is hitting the bat cave.

So I didn't realize this was two different movies until closer examination
I thought the killer in i know who killed me turned out to be mark david chapman played by leto, and figured this was just a movie that totally went off the rails. I think I like it better that way.