Dick Grayson

yeah, thats exactly what I meant, diluting as in…wanking…thats the ticket…you're all just jerking it thinking the ghostbusters is the shit, but really, you're looking at it through sepia tinted glasses.

dammit, i meant deluding!

Top Secreter, while I realize you're trying to be an ass, I'd argue that posting on internet boards is more important that what he's been doing.

Maybe they could get wes anderson to direct
Or something, i dunno…i guess its probably not possible to make a decent new ghostbusters, but what do you AVClub writers care anyway…the original is only good for reasons of nostalgia and anyone who says otherwise is just diluting themself.

I wonder if this will lead to a profound change in his persona
Perhaps a re-evaluation of his life thus far and a refocus on actually doing something worthwhile with his life.

Humbert Humbert references on AVClub
I'm curious how many articles written on this site include references to Humbert Humbert, because it seems like I run across one at least every week.

Haha Amanda, just because you like bad music is no reason to insult me. Same goes with you mustachioed man.

While I agree that sometimes being technically proficient at something can push an act into a form of artistry, I'd disagree with your analogy on the cello suites. Most musicians and actors aren't considered artists because of technical proficiency but for their ability to interpret and add emotion to those act. Yes,

This is pretty lame
Stupid song, stupid attention grabbing video. I wanted to like it, I really did…well maybe not really like it, but you know, see the point of it, but there was none.

This is pretty lame
Stupid song, stupid attention grabbing video. I wanted to like it, I really did…well maybe not really like it, but you know, see the point of it, but there was none.

I'm gonna start trolling other columns to drum up traffic to this one. "If you thought that new Animal Collective album was good, then you'll love the game NerveJangla, read all about it over here…."

Man, I can't believe how much I look forward to these.
Can't sawbuck gamer be more frequent? i need my fix more often.

but but but…the SEARCHERS!!!

Yeah, what Trollologist said…Shore Patrol is a fucking dumbass.

Sean Penn is a great actor
So I guess his method works. Maybe it seems over the top to you, but you can't argue with results.

damn, unskinny bop, stupid typos…unskinny bob sounds like a winner too though

Glad to see Leonard Cohen getting noticed here. hes definitely bob dylans equal if not superior. Plus his poetry is great too. You know who else is a better songwriter than dylan? Brett"My Heads So Full of Songs it Hemorrhaged" Michaels…I dare you to listen to unskinny bob and say otherwise.

I like that he throws his guitar in the air at the end and just walks off stage, leaving you to wonder where the fuck it went.

Maybe I'm reading into it too much because I'm a huge Locke fan…
but they seem to be setting up a return to form for the real John Locke…the terrible shit that happens to him in the sideways world…the fake Locke mocking him in basically every episode…