Dick Grayson

And what about locke seeing walt when he was in the pile of gassed dharma people, who was that, because walt was definitely alive at the time.

They should just give all of the exposition to O'Quinn because he can handle all that crap without making it sound clunky(and it seems like thats exactly what they're doing). You give him shit, he'll hand you back shinola.

So if it elicits a cringe-inducing visceral reaction…its basically the youtube equivalent of someone getting kicked in the nuts on americas funniest home videos.

I believe in aliens, I don't think that makes me dumb. I think most physicists agree that alien life isn't just possible, but probable.

Well yes, its pleasing to you, but that doesn't make it any less bad. I just get to be on the outside looking in at you and your bad taste in music. Enjoy being in the bubble

I'm going to be very sad when this show is all over
Yeah i know there have been better shows on tv(the wire), but I don't think there has ever been a show I've gotten this excited over and totally geeked out on. I've read pretty much all the books featured on the show, and now I'm studying string theory. No tv show

I enjoyed the original but this….
this just looks horrid. Neil LaBute is a hack. I live in washington dc and there is a theatre around here(Studio Theatre to be exact), which almost every year features a Neil LaBute play. And I just don't understand the draw, especially from what is considered a progressive DC theatre.

It will cause you to listen to bad music though, I guess its a trade off.

Notes from Underground
was the book in ilanas belongings if anyone cares. Great book if you haven't read it yet.

Answers to questions we already know
I think the biggest problem with a lot of the questions getting answered is most people who aren't casual watchers, and actually think about and analyze what they've seen have figured most of this shit out. While the majority who doesn't know their ass from their elbow sits and

I got the impression he wasn't trying to give locke a near death experience, he knew that locke was evil on the island and was actually trying to off him. Hitting a guy in a wheelchair with a car has a pretty good likelihood of killing him, so if des was smart(which I assume he is), he'd find another way to give locke

You and I have widely different definitions of funny.

Hold on, is Rufus Wainwright gay?
I'm shocked x3.

"well" maybe they "shouldn't" do everything an idiot "photographer" tells them to, "and" should have better "sense" than "to" wear idiotic "fashion" in an "attempt" to look "hip."

I'd never listen to this, just because of that stupid picture
Why do bands do this? I guess they're trying to look hip and arty or some shit, but the one guy looks like hes wearing a snuggie and just woke up, while the other is sporting a scarf that I'm fairly certain he stole from my grandmother. Fuck these guys.

God, the wheel of time series sucks so bad
I got the first book a few years back thinking I'd be in for a decent series, but holy shit, its the most derivative, one dimensional piece of shit I've read…easily at the very bottom of the fantasy genre. Robert Jordan should have been ashamed of himself. And the ending was

Some girls is a definite return to form. Miss you is just a goofy track, but it has its charms. And theres no denying Beast of Burden, or when the whip comes down.

I kind of get why I enjoyed his movies as a teenager, he had a bit of indy cred, and was talking about blowjobs and shit I hadn't heard much about in movies before, so I thought I was a rebel badass cuz i liked his movies or something. But there are some things from when I was younger I like to see again and look back

I say vitalogy is probably best. But their first 3 albums are all pretty great. But to this day I can't listen to Jeremy, that song is annoying.

There are a couple musicians out there who's albums I still look forward too, even though they've been around forever: Tom Waits, Paul Simon, David Bowie, Springsteen(although his last 2 albums were disappointing, I'm sure he'll make up for it), David Byrne, Strawberry Alarm Clock, etc.