Dick Grayson

I think a lot people who criticize the sopranos harshly are ones who mostly watched hoping to see people get killed each episode. But thats sort of what made the show great, every episode cast some sort of shadow of impending doom on all the characters. Biggest problem was they would just bring in a guest star for a

I think 12 is vastly superior to 10, and 13 is sort of a mashup of 10 and 12, unfortunately they tended to take the crappier parts of 10(linearity, characters) and combine it with some of the better parts of 12(the monster hunting, fighting system).

How about some Ligeti or Ginastera. Both are very musically interesting. Not pop music at all though. I guess you could call them classical, but not really.

Yeah, it seems to me that sometime after she shot Daniel, she was approached by MIB and made a deal, that deal being she gets Daniel back, and was taking instructions from him up until the alt world got created. Desmonds gonna fuck her shit all up though.

Was it just me, or did that rabbit have a tumor?

Continuity and Completism
My friends can't seem to grasp that…If i start something, I want to start from the very beginning and go in order, and totally involve myself in the experience.

Bitches are first. Hos are second.

I've never even see this show.
First bitches.

No, the second set of girls is about a year later…and after the credits roll they crush Stuntman Mikes head.

Was pleasantly surprised
Usually I expect to be bored through a jin/sun episode, but this one went by quick and left me wanting more.

Only really annoying thing about the game is having to type the damn phone numbers in all the time.

I'm playing Digital: A Love Story right now, very impressed
At first I thought it was just kind of cute and annoying…but it actually managed to draw me in. Very nice touches too, with the atmospheric music, and the idle chatter about neuromancer and star trek.

He gave Ludacris' new album a B+…that takes away any credibility he already had, and he's supposed to be the hip hop expert. God, any time I hear that stupid chipmonk song I want to stab my groin out.

If Super Grover made an appearance in the series finale of Lost I think I could die a happy man.

Not exactly sure why this is hate worthy
Seems like an ok title to me. I'm not sure if Amelie is just a Lost hater in general, in which case she is dead to me(as dead as an imaginary internet person who i'll never meet or even talk to can be), or if she is just upset with this title…its the end, and its called the

Shawn of the Dead was rad
Hot Fuzz, not so much, but this looks like it has some promise. I'm gonna have to check this one out.

They said it tonight, you must have missed it, MiBs name is Bob.

It wasn't Alvar Hanso, it was his (great?)grandfather Magnus.

So basically the man in black is Wile E. Coyote and Jacob is the road runnner…that would make the losties a bunch of acme weapons. I think that just about sums up Lost.

Can I really spoil a movie from 1992?