Dick Grayson

First of all…I absolutely love this movie
Its probably one of my favorite. But the only thing that really irks me about it, is the stupid way Lemmon gets caught, its used a million times in movies and tv shows, and it always makes me groan. Thankfully the dialog and acting were amazing in this movie.

First of all…I absolutely love this movie
Its probably one of my favorite. But the only thing that really irks me about it, is the stupid way Lemmon gets caught, its used a million times in movies and tv shows, and it always makes me groan. Thankfully the dialog and acting were amazing in this movie.

gah, i can't believe i made that mistake…and i can't believe you called me out on it either, ass.

Marvin Candle in the Alt Universe
If he runs into Sawyer, is he going to recognize him as LeFleur?

I got half way through the episode before i gave up
This gets an A?? It is so full of cliches that you can count them as they show up in every scene. Law inforcement who can't follow the rules a la Steve McQueen(who they name drop(also name dropped him on lost, weird)). Returning to your home town after a long

I know its been done before, but not in final fantasy, god how i'd love to beat the shit out of some of those obnoxious nymphets like Yuffie & Rikku….geez, that makes me sound like a misogynist

I got this game the day it came out
And while I think a C- is a bit harsh, I will admit to being very disappointed so far(I'm probably 10-15 hours in). But in all fairness, I think each final fantasy is a bit disorienting at first, and always requires some getting used to.

My theory, for anyone who cares…
It seems to me that the alt-reality is the offer fake locke is offering up. He offers claire the chance to have have aaron back, and in the alt reality he does…he offers sayid a chance to see his woman again, and there she is in the alt reality. Not sure how locke, jack, kate or sawyer

Time Cube, now that i'd watch.

These rules are all arbitrary and stupid
I like reading some of the reviews and articles here, but the more I learn about the actual people behind them, the more I realize they have no idea what the fuck they're doing, and their opinions on pop culture hold no water.

I read that wrong and thought she was bragging about her PHD
Like "I got ass for days"…"I got a PHD that never ends bitches!!!"

Exactly, not all games are art, but its silly to believe that no games can be art…art is art, the medium is irrelevant.

There are plenty of art exhibits(in museums and stuff!!) that require user interaction, are you saying that those aren't art based solely because they engage the audience into some action?

I'm not trying to justify my past time, i do plenty of things as past times that I don't consider art. And poophat, if thats your concept of gaming, you have a very narrow perception of how games work. Many games don't involve getting "points", or killing aliens as you say…just because you can name a few crappy

Ebert argued that since the user has control of the outcomes it isn't art, but the user only has as much control of the outcome as the artist allows…completing the game gives the user the ending the artist intended(this is all encompassed by my storytelling example you dense bozo, I'm sorry you can't see beyond the

Maybe you should try harder at getting some reading comprehension. Aesthetics was just one of my examples. Geez, you're a dumbass.

I think the argument about games not being art is foolish
Obviously it is art, and fuck Ebert for saying otherwise(although I tend to like him 60% of the time). Two that pop to mind instantly are Valkyria Chronicles and Uncharted 2. Valkyria chronicles for its art style alone, and if indiana jones can be considered

I think you're looking at book that was intended to be a microcosm at a macro level, the book is really more written from the perspective of the oppressed, and doesn't get into the details of outside help, bigger states, policy changes(although there are a lot of revisions and policy changes shown even at the lower

This thread is very Dantesque, with just a touch of Joycean humor and Quixotic tragedy. Also, I just copied this from the back of the Flann O'Brien novel At Swim-Two-Birds

Holy shit, my kid just turned 2 and doesn't talk.
Should I be worried? I thought 3 was the talking age. My relatives haven't said he might be autistic, gah, I guess its time to take him to a doctor.