Mister Evil

I'm guessing it's just the porno four different times.

Casual movie-goers may only know Stan Lee as the weird old guy who shows up in every Marvel movie, unaware that the kooky nonagenarian is the kaleidoscopic mind behind the crusaders that have come to dominate modern multiplexes.

The guy who took my senior photo told me I looked like Adam Sandler, which I think he meant as a compliment.

"Yes, my name is Seth Rogan and I can only become sexually aroused by slamming into a wall at the end of a slip-n-slide lubricated with expensive European butter."

An immensely drunk guy at the park once also insisted that I was Seth Rogen, so I said yes I am Seth Rogen and it made him really happy.


He's on a special diet to stay shredded for the Guardians movies. No beer, no carbs, no superfluous Chrises.

Interestingly, there are whole swaths of songs that are available on Spotify but have never been listened to by a single user, so popularity alone doesn't determine whether a song is in Spotify's catalog. There was a plugin going around a few years ago that would play you nothing but random songs that had never been

And so you have been assisted. Thank you for contacting Comcast.

I gotta give it to Brandon Routh in that one.

These are the Super Chris rankings. "Regular Guy Chris" rankings may be different. Please contact your service provider for further assistance.

Fun story- Jim Breuer performed at my college during my freshman year. People booed him and then he started doing Goat Boy and then someone threw a frisbee at him.

Is the other one me?

He's in the Strangers With Candy movie (along with a truly mind-boggling list of other people), so he definitely gets points for that.


Eh, that's a lotta work. I'm just going to watch old episodes of Real World vs. Road Rules instead.

So all I have to do is look directly at the sun at the exact moment the eclipse starts and then look away at the very instant the eclipse stops and not a microsecond later? NOTHING CAN GO WRONG WITH THIS PLAN

You can say "shit" here, this is a safe space.

Having actually worked for Microsoft, the whole "campus" thing is highly overrated. The entire goal is to make it so you leave work as little as possible and you can stay on your laptop while getting a haircut or whatever in order to increase productivity.

Hey, he's still got Omni Consumer Products on his side, so Trump's doin' okay!