Mister Evil

Also it's labelled "fake", but that's some next-level detective work on my part.

It's not irony, it's a deliberate co-opting, weaponization, and perversion of language.

Yeah you just hear so much about seizing the means of production for the masses. It's all the newspapers ever seem to talk about! Crazy times, man, crazy times.

"After unsuccessfully attempting to divert Imperial resources to his own personal finances, Progro Kisgay died after falling into the open trash compactor hole left by Han, Luke, Chewie, and Leia's escape."

Yeah, he's, uh, really playing 10-D chess by having a fucking meltdown on television. This is some next level shit for sure. He's not just a fucking maniac. Occam's Razor need not apply.

Ach! Das wagen phone ist ein… nuisance phone!

Capitalism and more broadly the concept of wealth necessitates that there must be winners and losers, setting up a system from which a massive percentage of the world's misery flows and the most impressive part is that, because we're the fish swimming in capitalism's water, it's almost impossible to understand how

Yes, like yourself, I prefer the understated class of a "IF YOU CAN READ THIS THE BITCH FELL OFF" t-shirt.

No mate, I'm saying that the OP is winkingly suggesting that the punishment for destroying the monuments is so small that people should just go ahead and do it, a point which seems to have flown over your head based on your response.

That's funny, it doesn't actually sound like you agree.

My copy is signed by both Gaiman and Pratchett and is one of my most treasured possessions!

It concerns an angel named Aziraphale and a demon named Crowley (Sheen will play the former, and Tennant the latter)

The Variety article also credits the "Lucifer" tv show and miniseries to Gaiman, but they're in fact based on Mike Carey's spinoff series from Sandman, which was extremely different from Gaiman's stuff.

Diggstown is a fucking great boxing/con artist movie and it's a goddamn shame that Woods is such a fuckstick.

Hey, what a coincidence, I just watched Videodrome last night and James Woods was a real asshole in that too!

Not like that scam oxygen tent you used to sleep nude in!

Things would probably be way worse if we just locked up the people everyone just "knew" was guilty without any representation whatsoever, though.

Nia Vardalos is like Cher if Cher had no self-awareness and only one hit song.

Illustrate the article about zany "Millennial humor" with a picture of two men in their 40s!

I'm afraid your Vampire Diaries example is going over my head, but I feel in my heart that you are right and I should trust you.