Mister Evil

One thing that has really been bothering me about this season is that I can't tell if everyone knows that Cersei blew up the Great Sept. Like, I assume people suspect at least, but is it like an open secret, or has Cersei officially been like YEAH I DID IT SO WHAT COME AT ME BRO

I mean, could Sam have been more trusting? Absolutely. Was Gollum planning to murder them and steal the ring at the first opportunity? Also yes.

That device hanging in the library seems like it probably runs on clockwork, so yes I think they at least have the technology even if it's not particularly widespread.

Trust the insane murderer! All will be well!

Yeah, the name in that document won't be "JON SNOW".

"Ser Jamie I've invented a device I like to call a 'surface-to-air missle' or 'Stinger' and I'd love to oh you're just going to bang your sister and cry? Ok nevermind."

Oh, you can take them, please.

My name means "grasp the heel" in Hebrew, but that doesn't mean I actually do that all the time.

What, you don't like potatoes?

I certainly hope you aren't disparaging Samwise Gamgee, the real hero of the Lord of the Rings.

I mean, I guess so, but Sam is there to find a way to kill zombies, not read up on legal documentation regarding the marriages of people who have been dead for 20 years. It's not like he's just breathlessly waiting around to find out the true parentage of his good friend Jon Snow. It's not even on his radar.

Don't we all!

Ok, I laughed but not really in a good way.

Yeah, that's definitely something with which I would agree- it's not really a "roleplaying" game, in a sense, in that you as the player are never really restricted from doing whatever you want to do. It's pure power fantasy, so there's really nothing to distinguish one player character from another beyond the window

Well now you gotta Spoiler Space that for me, friendo.

I restarted Skyrim recently and had honestly forgotten just how goddamn good that game is. It just feels good to play in a way that I don't think Bethesda has managed to match, even in the subsequent Fallout 4. It also looks gorgeous, even on my aging 360 (and even though there's a slight hitch every time I start

A form of screen-looking gave me my sweetest success in GoldenEye as a kid. I never had consoles growing up, so I was more or less at the mercy of my friends who did when we'd play together.

The Nice Guys is, while not being quite as tight as Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, still a damn good time.

It's why in the movie Blade, Wesley Snipes only moves at a pace best described as "deliberate".

Gladly- I had just done about fifteen whip-its, and I thought I was fighting a bear. When people read it back to me a week later, I was too embarrassed to admit what happened, and so it ran as-is.