Mister Evil

I'm mostly just commenting so I can figure out my upvote ratio in order to brag about it later to people around me waiting in line for movie tickets.

I mean, on Bob's Burgers alone, Jon Benjamin does Bob, Jimmy Pesto Jr., Ms. LaBonz and the Speedo guy in addition to others, and they're all pretty distinct-sounding imo.

At the end of this special report, newscaster Frank Reynolds looks forward to the next century and next total eclipse over the United States with the tragically optimistic wish, “May the shadow of the moon fall on a world at peace.”

Orc Stain is awesome and I need more of it.

Yeah, well, that paperwork really piles up when you can barely read.

Ohhhh, that's the good stuff right there.

Speaking as someone who has some experience running a small non-profit organization, I don't think that's the case. A non-profit must still make money in order to continue operating, it just can't distribute the excess funds to shareholders.

Tom Jane had the voice for the Punisher down cold. That 3rd person shooter that came out in like 2005 where he did the voice was a great Punisher adaptation, better than two of the three movies by far.

Bear is driving.

Brother, does he ever!

Except John was strong enough to actually get through the floor.

I almost hesitate to post it, but I've obtained detailed spoilers of the first season of the Punisher show-

I don't think it's something that has to be proven, since the intrinsic goals of the two enterprises are so vastly different. The fundamental purpose of a business is to turn a profit whereas the fundamental purpose of government is to provide a stable policy platform. Governments simply operate above and beyond the

I basically live my entire life in mortal fear of accidentally touching another human being, so for me the nightmare is endless.

[pretends to yawn]

"Al Capone was a glorious yet failed warrior, untarnished by the sins of his brothers…and tonight we're gonna find out what's in his vault! LIVE!"

Again- the Daughters of the Confederacy, who are pretty much single-handedly responsible for erecting all these Confederate monuments. They're pretty white ladies who are white supremacists and Lost Causers whose only goal is to spread pro-Confederate propaganda by installing grandiose "monuments" anywhere that'll let

Wait, what does he think the word "treason" means? Does he think it's a fancy British dessert?

Like the vast majority of these statues and monuments, the one in LA was put up in the 1920s by racist shitheads mostly as an intimidation tactic.

It's sort of like a movie, except boring.